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[Neolithic]To the End update for 8 August 2022

Update, Version 20220808

Share · View all patches · Build 9274775 · Last edited 8 August 2022 – 15:26:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New furniture: Sarcophagus (1x3 size. It functions just like coffins.)
Major cleanup on all DLLs.
The following DLLs are now disabled on the code level:
1, SAPCNET my old Raknet-based 32bit online function library. It's not like we are going to have multiplayer of To the End anytime soon. (It's still working in SAPC++ if anyone wants to play.) Plus, Raknet has been acquired by Facebook(Meta) years ago.
2, SAPCPNG my old 32bit PNG library. It's no longer needed after we moved engine runtime from RMXP-ACE to RGD. It will also not likely be needed if operation [Data Redacted] is successful.
3, SAPCWINMESSAGE my old 32bit windows message library. Better methods than hacking windows messages to achieve some results have been implemented since 2013.
After the cleanup, we now only have three external non-Windows and non-RGSS DLL dependencies:
1, SAPCSTEAMBRIDGE for Steam interactive.
2, SAPCTIMER for time control. (And some weird functions.)
3, steam_api, this is Valve's DLL.
Added 64bit version of those 3 DLLs. (We will likely have all DLLs in the future have 2 versions.)
Added a global flag: $IS_64BIT to check if we are releasing a 64bit-only build. (It's experimenting. We still support 32bit systems for now.)
Restored the function to directly call the windows command-line. (Require SAPCTIMER DLL, ruby code: sys_wincmd(char))
Set RGD flags correctly on RGD-only features. (Mostly in gamepads.)
Made a placeholder function for video play just to stop the game from crashing if the current environment is not RGD.
Added global tag $IS_MKXP to mark if the current environment is MKXP.
The first MKXP version of the game was successfully launched. But, a lot of functions are not running correctly. (I am just making a basic evaluation regarding how much needs to be done if we go this way.)
Fixed a bug that local achievement list has one less achievement than Steam.
2,SAPCTIMER 用于时间管理。(以及一些奇怪的功能)
3,steam_api, 这个是Valve家的库。
重新加入了直接调用Windows命令行的功能。(基于SAPCTIMER 内的代码,Ruby侧调用: sys_wincmd(char))

Neolithic-To the End Content Depot 1519141
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