- Added new block: Challenge Board.
- Fixed an issue, where the game would crash if user tried to copy values from Builder in edit mode.
- Improved Builder boss saving. Originally it would trust users to have blueprints on their computer. Now it saves them as part of the level data.
- Improved multiplayer, when editing is not allowed. Instead of leaving player to edit mode, it'll switch automatically to play mode.
- Ubuntu: Fixed an issue, which caused the cursor to shake wildly during gameplay.
- Uploading a level sends its author now.
If you've created custom levels using the Builder boss and custom blueprints and uploaded them for everyone to enjoy, I'd ask you to upload those levels again as the blueprints of current ones are broken. Before uploading, editing and saving the level will correctly store blueprint data to actual level file. I'm sorry for this inconvenience.
Changed files in this update