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Heat Death update for 7 August 2022

New enemy types, roadmap, and more

Share · View all patches · Build 9270405 · Last edited 7 August 2022 – 21:09:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This week's patch brings primarily a range of new enemy types. Also, I'm trying out a new way of displaying enemies' attack intention.

The demo will not get this update for a few days still.

Two new bossfights (located in the 2nd and 3rd cluster) have been added. There is a 50/50 chance of either an old or a new boss spawning at the end of the cluster.

There's also 5 new small-to-medium size enemies.

UI change

Enemies will now show their total intended damage first, then the (projectile damage) x (volley count) after. In the case where a satellite has multiple attacks with different projectile damage, this can be displayed as, for example, "Atk: 14 (5 + 9)". Examples:

Deal 8 damage twice -> "Atk: 16 (8x2)"
Deal 7 damage, then 8 damage twice -> "Atk: 23 (7 + 8x2)"

You can now also view the total damage of all allied satellites and of all enemies by hovering over the "end turn" button. These numbers are calculated by just summing up all visible damage numbers, they do not account for any other effects. It would of course be impossible to predict exactly how much damage things will deal, because they might die before they have the chance to attack...

Other changes:
  • support for Mystery (+x ?) has been added to some effects that didn't have it already, such as Magnitude, Radioactivity, and more.
  • Fixed an issue where the card Fallout would not activate when radioactivity decreases at the start of your turn

Future plans

The following items are my currently highest priorities for development.

  • Adding even more enemy types into the game would obviously be nice. Eventually, there might be enough so that each cluster can have a unique set of enemies.
  • Each planet has lots of cards now, something like 70+ for all of them. I would like to add more neutral cards/upgrades too, and maybe some planet-specific upgrade/insert type cards.
  • A while back, I started working on a 4th planet. This one will likely be themed around fire/burning damage, and maybe other forms of elemental effects as well. This will likely take at least two months before it is ready for early access.
  • I've been thinking about an "endless"-style mode. Multiple users have requested it, and I think I might be able to make something that fits with the theme of heat death.
  • I've been thinking about hiring a proper artist to redo a lot of the artwork that is on cards, and do artwork for the new cards I'm adding.
  • UI/UX continues to get little improvements here and there. I know that the starmap is especially clunky still.
  • It would be nice to have some sort of "Encyclopaedia" in the game, where you can view all the cards and tech types. Run history would also be cool.
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