Steam Stats/Achievements:
● Steam Stats Tab has returned!
● Can view Achievement progress and stats (Number of clicks for each button)
● Only DSX Launcher will check wheather to unlock achievements/upload leaderboard stats, if you think
you have an achievement unlocked and don't see it, relaunch the app so the launcher can check for you.
(Leaderboards will come in a future update)
Launch Options:
● Added ability to use Launch Options in DSX properties with the following currently supported:
● Launching DSX minimized with this command: --Minimized "True" (With quotes)
● Setting a text file to be used when app is launched automatically --SetTextFile "path\to\your\textfile.txt" (With quotes)
● Checks for Driver Updates
● Updated ViGem Driver download links to the latest version 1.18.367
● Updated HidHide Driver download links to the latest version 1.2.98
DSX Launcher:
● UI adjustements
● Fixed Luncher window not hiding when using start up with windows minimized
● Handles uploading/fetching/unlocking Steam Achievements and stats when DSX is launched
Games tab adjustments:
● UI adjustments
● Added Fallout 4 game mod to the list of Mods available for DSX made by @dvize
● Updated Cypberpunk Mod name and image
Bug Fixes:
● Fixed Machine trigger not working with UDP for right trigger
● Adjusted Machine Trigger Start to be 1-8 and End to be 2-9 (Note: For UDP use the same Start 1-8 and end 2-9)
● Improvements for the now playing status to not show up for Discord
Changed files in this update