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Unbearable update for 7 August 2022

Improvements in melee combat and addition of new skills and elements.

Share · View all patches · Build 9268331 · Last edited 7 August 2022 – 04:09:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

After listening to the comments and complaints from the community, a round of quick adjustments was made to fix major and minor bugs, all these to give a better experience to the player, resolving almost all of the bugs that were reported personally or directly as game review.

One of the most criticized aspects of the game was the melee combat, this one feeling slow and heavy.

With this update, the ability to dodge in the direction of the character's movement is added, as well as new combat movements, these being faster and more fluid.
Now when in close range with enemies, your character will automatically turn towards them to avoid missing hits.
Many animations are revamped to make the game feel and look better.
The ability to crawl by holding the crouch button is added, this to have better control when passing through small places and with this addition, scenarios are modified to make better use of this new ability.
Completely revamped the start menu, adding new animations and a new opening cinematic, all for a better representation of the game's story.
New parts on maps to add complexity to the puzzles, as well as adding a completely new one.
The model of 2 characters is changed, with Emma being the main one (it would seem that now they all wear the same clothes, but don't worry, the models of all the characters will be changed soon).
A new weapon is added, the fire axe, this being a long-range, two-handed weapon.
The AI ​​of certain enemies is improved, these being able to dodge and block certain blows.
Fixed many bugs that were ruining the co-op experience, such as better targeting representation for player two, the new item pick system, and late-game bugs.

As you can see, this update is mainly focused on improvements to the player experience, I appreciate the feedback from all the people who shared their experience. All your comments were very useful to solve and improve certain aspects. As a developer I am totally committed to making “Unbearable” a better experience and a cooperative horror game that is liked by this community.

The next major update will emphasize the narrative of the game, adding new models for all characters, improved cutscenes, a whole new intro level, and hopefully getting character voices.

[Next update reference image]

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