Hello, I’m posting this a day later than usual because I was up programming until 5 am and decided to go to bed instead of working longer.
So I ended up getting some sleep and it is now nearly noon.
There are a lot of changes this week and most of this was live as of last night.
I didn't decide to take screenshots for these because I already am posting the changelog late and I want to get it out and start on the next update. (That and family is visiting me today)
Anyway letsa go...
Gameplay and UI
-Added new Goal
--Ultra Super Deathmatch., where you have to kill all other factions except wildlife
-Added New Goal
--Last One Standing, where you have to kill just every single faction
-Made wildlife lairs and other factions NOT spawn within 4 tiles of the spawn location of the human player, giving the player 4 tiles of breathing room.
--This makes the game much, much more playable
--I didn’t have time to make this customizable, but expect that tomorrow
-Forest trolls now have a more forest troll appropriate death noise
-Added new flag that allows pikemen to damage a unit as if they had a hard counter bonus without granting that unit the cavalry anti-archer bonus
-AI now understands pikemen better as in, they will go after those they have bonuses against more often
-Added new secretty secret stuff
-Improved shadows and lighting
-Added new hints
-Added new office minigame
--This is one i've been working on in the background for awhile
--It isn't complete still but hey
-Goblin Updates
--Gave goblins a new goblin pikeman unit, which has a bonus against cavalry
--Made it so when training goblin units the command buttons are color coded for easiness on the eyes and to make their commands more readable
--Goblin pikemen can promote into Goblin Legionnaires
Bug Fixes
-Fix bug where "0" tech shows up on buildings in factions that have researched a global research item
-Blacksmith cost corrected on capital cities
-All units that weren’t displaying their hard counter bonus icon that should have now do
--EG, Cavalry archers now display a horse and bow icon, since they have both bonuses
-Buffed Rust Spitter Faction
--Made rust spitter Majors cost 9 and have an upkeep of 9 for bandit sub factions instead of 15 and 12
--Made rust spitter majors cost 15 and have an upkeep of 15 for wildlife factions
--Made AI smart enough to use repletes like Mines
-Buffed Gremlin Factions
--Reduced Miserable Poppet for green gremlins cost from 200 misery to 75 Misery
--Reduced Miserable Poppet build time to 2
--Reduced Fleshy Kennel cost for brown gremlins to 200 Misery
--Reduced Coral Tower cost for dripping gremlins to 100 Misery
-Kingdom Balance Changes
--Markets now cost 35 gold and 6 iron
-Wildlife Balance Changes
--Hell Goat is now classed as cavalry for the purposes of hard counter bonuses
-Goblin Balance Changes
--Made Goblin Legionnaires more expensive for cube cult
--Goblin fortresses now generate +2 gold and +2 misery instead of just +1 gold
Suggestion for testers
-Try goblins now.
YouTube Spotlight of the week!
Changed files in this update