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Lys and Ruka's Magical Bag update for 6 August 2022

08/06/2022 Ver 1.02 Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9266283 · Last edited 6 August 2022 – 14:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Thank you for your interest in Lys and Ruka's Magical Bag! There were a couple of updates that were pushed out recently. We will still be actively testing and fixing issues even after release, so we appreciate everyone's bug reports!

Ver 1.01

・Fixed an issue where tweets sent out via the in-game tweet function would not work properly if it exceeded the old 140 character limit. Do let us know if this issue still persists!
・Fixed an issue where the effect of the same item did not occur when attached side by side
・Fixed an issue where the item shopkeeper sometimes disappears. Mister, where were you...?
・Some untranslated text was discovered and translated in the English version
・Fixed an issue where line breaks were improperly placed in some conversations with the townspeople

Ver 1.02

・The in-game tweet function was still having issues so the functionality and character limit was revised again
・Fixed an issue where the "Twin Spirit Stone" unintentionally affected the second page of the inventory
・Fixed an issue where the "Boost Spirit Stone" was not working as intended
・Tried to fix an issue with the window size configuration on startup. However, it does not seem to be working quite right so it will be addressed in a later update

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