Heya there gamers,
It's been a while huh? But we have been working to release some of the most requested features among the community.
Since the last update, there were some bad guys that were hacking and using exploits in the game, we tried to fight them using a regular ban hammer. But it only slowed them down, so now... We are releasing ANTICHEAT. This new update is going to include noclip anticheat, speedhack anticheat, teleport anticheat and much more.
With that being said we are also bringing some new weapons. The new weapons include the first melee knife, aswell as HK-G36. And also we tweaked some older weapons, so be prepared to experience a new gameplay even with older guns. The interaction key was also changed from E to F, because of Lean system.
And the next most requested feature was the Item clipping. Do you hate when you are running from someone, and trying to grab stuff from the ground? But always miss the right item and pick up a useless document? Well hate no more, now when items are close they are going to push each other away, so you will be able to clearly see and pickup the exact item you wanted.
We also didn't forget to fix some bugs that were in the last update. SCP-1162 got some bug fixes, and finally, one of the oldest bugs: THE CUSTOM MAP LAG. And we didn't forget about the chat, it was improved a bit. Now chat messages can be formated. And for the new system: covering! Now you can use Q and E to lean near the walls.
The server scripts were also updated, now there are a TON of new functions. And with that we also bring Custom map support to workshop, you can now make custom maps in included map creator, and upload 'em to workshop.
And at the end, we wanted to say thank you for supporting us! You are an awesome community that we hope will only grow. All of these updates are now live on steam.
With best wishes,
Fusion Creators Studio
Changed files in this update