Here are the latest patch notes ahead of the community event tomorrow.
See event announcement for details
- Last stand player selection now goes back to the top of the defending team if every player has attempted a last stand. (Spawn delay will continue to increase after each failed last stand)
- Updated: Increased settings confirmation wait time to 30s from 10s
- Updated: Last stand now loops through defending team
- Fixed: Player orientation not being reset when relocated at match countdown start
- Fixed: Corrupted news formatting in main menu feed
- Fixed: Some dropdown options being unselectable on settings page
- Fixed: Miscellaneous object placement and proxies on Carpiquet
- Fixed: Miscellaneous object placement and proxies on Merville Battery
- Fixed: Stats bar graphs glitching onto two lines
- Tweaked: Capture UI spacing
- Weapons and hands are temporarily invisible when first caching after major update or install
Changed depots in internal-alpha branch