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Eo update for 5 August 2022

Hotfix #01

Share · View all patches · Build 9262641 · Last edited 5 August 2022 – 18:19:45 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Press any key (for players that didn't realize the game wasn't loading)
  • Fixed issues with mesh baking
  • Double check LODs (all good here)
  • Double check imposters (all good here)

Thanks for all rpg lovers playing with us, means a lot. We appreciate the feedback, but also ask to understand we are not Larian or CdProjekt and we don't have 10 million dollars and a team of algorithm programmers optimizing. We are a team of 3 programmers struggling on zero budget. It's not an excuse, we ask a bit of patience. It will get better, and you all are helping us get there.

We also understand the concept is new to some people that just want to hop around killing things, in this case, maybe the game isn't for you really. The game is a slow paced, social experience, not supposed to be focused in combat (our combat system is absurdly simple: Ctrl, Raycast, Hit). But in time, even people that don't roleplay will feel attracted to it and we hope to convert a lot of people into roleplaying.

Windows English Depot 2075341
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