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IKO 39 update for 5 August 2022

Patch of the first day

Share · View all patches · Build 9261929 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Welcome players and future players of the game IKO39!

The following changes have been made to the game:

  1. When starting the game, the Unreal Engine 4 game engine screensaver and a Disclaimer were added;
  2. Some objects that you can interact with have a hint added in the form of a button that you need to click;
  3. Blaster, jetpack, rifle have added hints on how to interact with them;
  4. A hint has been added to the oxygen recovery unit at the first location;
  5. It used to be possible to fall off a bridge and die. Now they have made a teleport to the beginning of the bridge;
  6. Fixed the mission with the drone and so far have done 10 minutes to complete the mission with the drone;
  7. Fixed the mission with sci-fi bull. Previously, if he butts the player, the player could fall under the location;
  8. Fixed batteries. Previously, when saving the game, they could be deleted from all the boxes;
  9. Previously, after a drone mission, it was impossible to select inventory. Now you can;
  10. And other small and not very bugs.
Windows 64-bit Depot 1174271
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