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[Neolithic]To the End update for 5 August 2022

DD#81 A Twisted Plot

Share · View all patches · Build 9261332 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi, everyone. Welcome to another week's developer's diary.

So, what happened this week is the conclusion of the majority part of the main story in Queensmouth.
Evils are defeated, heroes return home, and the world is saved.
Nope, that's just a fairy tale. <<Welcome to Queensmouth>>.
It may not even be quite close to that.
What exactly happened down there, in the Inner Chamber of the Queensmouth church shall remain a secret in this DD. Some choices have long-term impacts on future stories as some may never come back from this adventure. Again, there shall be different ways to solve the problems. Maybe, everyone can be the hero of their own stories. More options will also be further expanded in future updates. For now, the captain is still waiting for the final mission report on a topic he has some special interests in.

Meanwhile, strange things are happening in the Bazaar. A cave just appeared, with an oasis inside, and some camels you can befriend with. It may lead to something new, something primeval, and something even reality cannot contain. (Now this may be a hint way too obvious.) :D

On the system side, we also got some improvements on making it clearer where all those special attributions you get from.

So, that's for this week. A lot of story content shall not be spoiled. Plus, I feel quite sleepy today. So, I will keep this relatively short DD as it is today.

Today's changelog:
Special Attribution UI now shows more details on where different modifiers come from. (Once again, some crazy function pointer programming.)
[Equipment UI] If an item's detailed description is too long (For example, Eye From Beyond), the item detail window show move up to avoid text being out of the window boundary.
Fixed an English typo in <<Welcome to Queensmouth>>.
Fixed a bug that the healing power improvement effect has a localization key error when we check it in the special attribution UI.
Fixed a bug that life skill level modifiers do not show in special attribution UI.
Fixed a display issue in the item detailed window regarding state defense modifiers.
Fixed a bug that skills' base power increase modifiers do not use the skill's localized name in the special attribution UI.

Neolithic-To the End Content Depot 1519141
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