- Change of controls ! (We look forward to hear your feedback on this controls )
Classic MOBA and RTS controls, we move away from classic CRPG controls. Left and right mouse click. - Left click allows you to select an entity, validate a spell
- Right click allows you to move, attack or cancel a sort.
- New missions in Sector 2
- New Boss in Sector 2: The Abomination
- New Sector 2 Models and Enemies:
- The succubus! - The cherub !
- The tentacle! - The Cultist !
- The demon !
New class: The Colossus (Tank, physical resistance)
Added SFX attack and FX
Reduced overall damage of all spells
Reworked spell sounds
Balancing effects, alterations of heroes and enemies.
Added a new feature that impacts combat gameplay: Spell Combos !
(We look forward to your feedback on this feature ) -
Each spells has an additional effect, a Combo effect !
Added Camera Shake/Zoom if there is a combo or finished fight.
Fatigue becomes a classic condition that reduces attack speed and haste.
Cursed is a new condition related to characters' cursed marks.
Blade class spells changed to Frendly Fire (We wish to have a more solitary character in combat)
Rework of the buff system and alterations. A buff/debuff is considered an ailment
All buff and debuff alterations are % based, and can be stacked.
Upgrade of the gamefeel
Sector 2 room optimization
Debug of certain spells, movements of entities, Correction of order in layer of sector 1 and 2
New feature in the HUB: the Organization of parties, to modify the relations between the students of the school of blades. (WIP)
Changed files in this update