Howdy Clones!
Here's our first update for you, the Enemy Forces Update, with some great new content.
Firstly we've added a haptic feedback system for all interactions with over 30 different feedback effects so you can feel every scrape and click of the weapons.
We've added 4 brand new enemy types requiring new tactics, along with new spawn systems and ambushes to add more variety to combat.
We've added loads of new tile-pieces and rooms to expand the variety of locations and extend the map generation capabilities and finally we've got a whole host of bug-fixes and quality-of-life improvements.
Full changelist:
Added haptic feedback system and related settings.
Added new enemy type: Boomba - robotic vaccuum cleaner modified to drop mines.
Added new enemy type: Centurion - heavily amored combat unit.
Added new enemy type: Defence-turret - stationary security turrets deployed around the wrecks.
Added new enemy type: Combat Drone - military droid with twin cannons.
Added lots of new tile pieces and rooms to Venturi, TradeCore and GalKor tilesets.
Added a couple of new ambush variations.
Added missing weapon interaction sounds.
Added missing suppressed firing sounds on some weapons.
Moved bridge spawn forward a bit so you don't get stuck in the spawn pod.
Fixed drawers so they don't get caught on player collision.
Fixed rare map-generation bug which could end up with no valid route to the bridge.
Fixed minor map-generation issue which could allow stray sections of corridor inside hangars.
Fixed a couple of edge-case achievement unlocks.
Fixed typo in Clear 20 Wrecks achievement.
Optimized some tileset pieces.
A host of other small bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements.
Changed files in this update