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Icarus update for 5 August 2022

Icarus Week Thirty-Five Update | Attachment Systems

Share · View all patches · Build 9258824 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We’re excited to be introducing our new Attachment System this week for our Week Thirty-Five update, giving you a whole new way to personalize your gameplay by customizing your melee weapons and tools with valuable new attachments. Two new benches, the Alteration Bench at Tier 3 and Advanced Alteration Bench at Tier 4 will provide your workshop for crafting and equipping 25 attachments available for a range of your melee weapons and tools. Designed for repeat use, items can have attachments equipped, unequipped and shared around, and provide some basic and creative perks, from gold collection buffs through to electro shock inflictions. Read all about this new feature below.

Attachment & Customization Benches

Two new attachment benches have been added to the Blueprint Tree, the Alteration bench at Tier 3 and the Advanced Alteration Bench at Tier 4. These benches open up a whole new world of possibilities for customizing your melee weapons and tools, allowing you to craft specific attachments, and then apply them to valid items to add valuable improvements, specializations and benefits.

These attachments will provide boosts to damage, speed, performance in their specific tasks or unique perks that add a punch to give you the edge over your foe.

The Alteration Bench at Tier 3 can craft basic attachments, while the Advanced Alteration Bench offers more advanced recipes as well when unlocked, but requires electricity to do so. Each bench does require it’s own blueprint recipe, but attachments are grouped under a single recipe in the blueprint tree to unlock.

The bench is split into two parts, the left being the space to craft specific attachments, and the right being the alteration station where you can apply and remove these attachments from valid items. This creates a singular work station from which to start generating specialization and personalization for your gameplay, allowing you to dive deeper into how you want to play the game.

Attachment Options

We’re kicking off the new Alteration System with 25 attachments available to craft, 11 base, 11 upgraded, and 3 special.

The 11 base attachments can be crafted and equipped on the Tier 3 Alteration Bench, and are as follows:

  • Melee Damage Attachment
  • Attack Speed Attachment
  • Prime Meat Attachment
  • Leather Attachment
  • Carcass Harvesting Attachment
  • Felling Attachment
  • Gold Attachment
  • Copper Attachment
  • Platinum Attachment
  • Reaping Attachment
  • Titanium Attachment

The 11 Upgraded Attachments can be crafted and equipped at the Tier 4 Advanced Alteration Bench, and are as follows:

  • Advanced Melee Damage Attachment
  • Advanced Attack Speed Attachment
  • Advanced Prime Meat Attachment
  • Advanced Leather Attachment
  • Advanced Carcass Harvesting Attachment
  • Advanced Felling Attachment
  • Advanced Gold Attachment
  • Advanced Copper Attachment
  • Advanced Platinum Attachment
  • Advanced Reaping Attachment
  • Advanced Titanium Attachment

There are also 3 Special Attachments that can be crafted and equipped at the Tier 4 Advanced Alteration Bench. These are as follows:

  • Bleed Attachment
  • Poison Attachment
  • Electroshock Attachment

While these are the first attachments available to play on day one, we are looking into the future and plan on releasing more you can craft and equip after monitoring how these perform. Keep passing on your feedback so we can innovate and bring you creative new ways to personalize your experience.

Valid Items for Attachment

Only certain items are valid for being customisable right now. This is currently melee weapons and tools, and only ones that are crafted in Tier 2, 3 and 4. Tier1 and Meta Items are currently not available for customisation, Tier 1 due to their rudimentary quality and Meta due to the advanced requirements which aren’t available to prospectors yet.

Attachments that are created will specify in the description which items they can be attached to, and which are invalid so you don’t accidentally give your knife a boost for gold collection. Each item can host one attachment at a time, but these can be removed at the alteration bench if you wish to upgrade or switch it out. Much like the items themselves, attachments can be made for your teammates and left in the bench for them to use, so co-ordination will lead to better efficiencies across the board.

Attachment UI and Recipes

As mentioned before, there are two groups of recipes on the tech tree that cover a package of attachments. These are ‘Basic Melee Attachments’ and ‘Advanced Melee Attachments’ which unlock their correlating recipes, respectively.

The new Attachment UI will include 3 different visual states to clearly show if an item is actively using an attachment or not. This will either show no item slotted, an item slotted and ready to alter, or an item with an attachment that is ready to remove.

This can be seen on both the item and in the bench, so you can quickly check what an item is currently sporting, or whether it’s in need of attention. Items will have a new slot in the UI that clearly shows the attachment slot, making it easy to sort out what you want to carry on your prospector.

When attachments are removed, they are not destroyed and can be stored separately for other uses. One of these that is important, is the need for a basic attachment in the recipe for the advanced version, so don’t go destroying these when you are seeking to upgrade.


New Content

  • Item Icons now show empty or full square to represent an attachment slot, Added extra text to item popup to represent which items can be altered, Updated IsCustomItem function to include a worldcontext so inventorycontainermanager can be accessed so we can add the glow accuratly if an item with attachments includes alterations
  • The Item Attachment Slot UI now only shows on items with attachment slots and not for ranged weapons with ammo equipped like it was
  • Adding Blueprint Recipes for Alteration, Advanced Alteration, Tool & Advanced Tool Atachment packs, Also fixed the Item Altered UI update so its state is reflected correctly, Fixing Alteration Bench BP name as it was incorrect
  • Adding a new Item popup Widget for Grouped Tech Tree Items and adding support for Grouped Tech Tree Items on the Tech Tree
  • Added recipes to attachments. - Updated attachments to provide more suitable stats. - Updated descriptions on Butchered Meat to clarify that it is Butchered Animals and does not affect the cooking station
  • Temporarily fixed D_IcarusAttachments invalid row errors
  • Removed rows of D_IcarusAttachments and D_ItemsStatic for attachments that are not required
  • Fixing build validation my removing ItemTemplate Row Entries that were not correctly cleaned up when 2 attachments where removed
  • Add basic audio implementation to alteration bench to allow sounds to be added to alteration functions
  • Alteration Bench UI Pass. Changed the colours and size of processing bar. Changed size of Alter and Close buttons. Resized Arrows
  • First pass on tree cover system modulating various ambient and global elements. Will only effect conifer biome. Standing under or within groups of trees should now sound more appropriate
  • Adding alteration bench crafted audio and events
  • Updating Alteration UI to include text to reflect the current state and prompt the players so they know what they currently can and can't do and why
  • Updating the alterations bench audio, adding it to all alterations bench recipes. Also shortening a few unnecessarily long audio regions that played longer than the sounds in FMOD
  • Submitted assets SM_DEP_Bench_Alterations_T4_A and B, created materials and added 1st pass on textures
  • Adjustments to the alterations bench sound. Adding attach and detach sounds first pass
  • Added new, more aggressive idle animation for Wolves during combat
  • Added Icons and animation to Alteration Bench UI. Animation still needs hooking up
  • Submitted Prototype for asser SM_DEP_Bench_Alteration_A and B, created materials
  • Alteration Bench Animation now Plays when players add or remove items from the UI, Marking all attachments as Core and not Development
  • Adding Localisation Text to the Alteration Bench
  • Submitted the prototype textures for the asset SM_DEP_Alteration_T3_A and B
  • Added rank 3 and 4 to the Fertile alteration so the talents Green Thumb and Speed-Gro stack as expected
  • Assigning alteration bench audio to the correct output bus
  • Added item names and descriptions for attachments
  • Hooked up Fertile rank 3 and 4 to the CraftingModifications database so crafted cropplots accept the new ranks
  • Adding Alteration Benches Meshes to the Blueprints and Giving the Advanced Alteration Bench an Energy Requirement
  • Added seperate loot entry to Buffalo carcass, allowing them to grant more meat than before
  • Adding 3 new Melee Weapon attachments, chance to Bleed, Poison and Electroshock. Removing development feature level flag from all melee item attachements and benches
  • Adding alteration bench loop audio, UMG audio and adjustments to volumes of all layers
  • Small adjustment to the alteration bench audio loop
  • Apply crafting type FMOD parameter to alteration bench audio so that we can adjust alteration sounds depending on whether the local player is actively using the bench
  • Lowering the volume of the world and loop audio for the alterations bench
  • Further small reduction to volume of alterations bench audio loop
  • Adding in switch for the M_ItemGlow material used in the alteration system, this will let us define a custom alpha to use in a datatable to override the current items alpha to better control how the glow looks on a per item basis if need be, for example strengthening the glow on the wood bow as it is a thin icon with a hole in it which blurs the glow
  • Added Sandworm Boss icon and added it to map datatable D_MapIcons
  • Adding Item Icons for the new Attachment Items. Also Fixing up Various places in the UI where alteration information is displayed
  • Adding CoolingDrink Tag to the WaterCool modifier and update the DamageOverTime_Burning allowed query to reject the CoolingDrink Tag
  • Fixing issue with Alteration Bench Activation where Clients could trigger and action locally which was not being sent to the server and getting the Alteration Benches state out of sync between client and server, this will now work correctly for clients
  • Updating Attachment Pack Names and Images to Reflect what they are doing
  • Updated advanced alteration recipes to use less carbon fiber. - Updated melee damage recipe to use iron instead of steel
  • Updating Alteration and Attachment Names and Stats
  • Added Alteration and Advanced Alteration Bench Icons to D_Itemable
  • Adding Icons for the new Alterations which will be displayed on item widgets, Alteration Benches are now marked as the Core feature level so they can be accessed, Tidied up UI for the Alteration Benches
  • Updating Attachment Pack Names and Images to Reflect what they are doing
  • Updated advanced alteration recipes to use less carbon fiber. - Updated melee damage recipe to use iron instead of steel
  • Updating Alteration and Attachment Names and Stats
  • Added Alteration and Advanced Alteration Bench Icons to D_Itemable
  • Adjustment to alteration bench loop audio volume to accomodate for long craft times
  • Updating Recipe Datatable so that the correct Titanium Attachment Item is Provided by the Recipe
  • Fixing Crash that could occur when attempting to access attachment slots on items that had not been created
  • Adding Attachment Recipes for The Titanium and Advanced Titanium Pickaxe Attachments
  • Attachment Recipes now display their rank icons so Attachments of different ranks can be identified at a glance
  • Increasing Attachment / Removal Time from the (Debug 10 seconds) to the full 180 seconds
  • Turning on Power Requirement for Crafting on the Advanced Alteration Bench
  • Adding new Attachment for Titanium Yield
  • Adding system for adding item Rank Symbols based on Tags, The Attachments will now display their ranks on their item icons
  • Added Tier Icons (Icon_Tier_1 and Icon_Tier_2) for alteration attachments
  • Fixing Alteration Bench Alteration Display having incorrect text wrapping
  • Fixing Hammers & Spears missing Attachment Slots
  • Preventing Ranged Weapons from being placeable in the attachment bench for now
  • Updated Screwdriver UV on T3 Alteration Bench V2


  • Voxel mesh data is now saved to file rather than being fetched from the mesh at runtime and changed these meshes to not be CPU accessible anymore. This helps our dedicated server as well as improving mining performance and memory usage
  • Tweaked overcast curves for biomes to fix clouds brightening up night sky
  • Fixed issue caused when applying cave context in the right order - misordered the reverb on mammoth causing it to not feel reverberant enough
  • Fix invalid audio component reference in dropship anim blueprint which was causing error spam on dedicated server build. Also tidied up the blueprint a little for clarity
  • Fixed an issue with bolt action rifle where the spacializer override was set to 10 percent for other players, causing gunshots to be audible everywhere
  • Fixed the descriptions on many food buffs to better represent the stats they provide
  • Fixed bug in editor item creator wizard that displayed most custom D_ItemsStatic row entries as D_Actionable type. Fixed bug where selecting a preset or template in the 'Misc' section of the item creator wizard wasn't refreshing the list of modified table rows
  • Allowed the Brazier and Rustic Bench to be placed outside
  • Added new page to Item Creator Wizard that allows optional creation of new D_ProcessorRecipe
  • Fixed crash in AISpawnBehaviour.cpp when trying to clean up spawned AI without any players connected to the server. Made logging in EnvQueryGenerator_NearbyTargets Verbose to prevent spam in logs
  • Fixed an issue causing stockpile missions to incorrectly update their description if they have more units than required. Fixed clients constantly seeing the thruster on stockpile ships
  • Fixing issue where Ammo that was readied in bows would not save its custom stats & alteraions when reloading the game. This is now fixed and custom crafted arrows will now retain their properties
  • Fixed D_Biomes 'NoBiome' entry using Transparent colour instead of Black colour as biome lookup functions were expecting
  • Re-saved Glass floor support DM to fix startup material issue
  • Resaved D_DeployableSetup to resolve build validation error
  • Added a ForceShowShelterIcon boolean for deployables that aren't damaged by weather but should show the icon - like torches
  • Adding event for scorpion armored footsteps to become more appropriate
  • Fixed arrows despawning in animals before players can collect them, in world projectile actors (meshes) attached to an animal will still despawn on decay (for performance), despawned projectiles will be available for collection from corpses (skin or carry), attached projectiles can still decay (and become unavailable for harvest) during the fight, before the animal is killed, this does not affect arrows that break or do not hit an animal, but is fairer to players
  • Fixing Build Valiation Error Caused by Unsaved Datatable
  • Fixed explosive arrow audio not playing at longer distances for clients. This was due to rep distance culling of ballistics, so have added an option in ballistic audio data to switch to an alternative implementation where the impact sounds are played on the spawned payload (which is net relevant at high distances) instead. Also set up frag grenades to use this option
  • Fixed log spam in BP_AISpawner::GetTetherDebugName and BP_NavigationCheckpoint::ValidateCheckpoint when there were zero players connected to a game. Made RowHandle NetSerialization logging VeryVerbose to prevent it filling up Dedicated Server logs
  • Cave worm no longer tries to play SandWorm hit react montage when critical hit, fixes log warnings
  • Improved Wolf LookAt Control Rig; Wolves should more accurately aim at their current target when attacking
  • Fix Player can cancel skiinning by left clicking with the knife, ensure BPIcarusPlayerControllerSurvival::CanPerformInputAction listens to montage animation locks, allow the player to cancel skinning only with interact, this means that the player can not move, look, change weapons etc. whilst skinning, the only means to cancel skinning is to press interact a second time whilst skinning
  • Adjustments to scorpion armored boss footsteps to match intensity / speed of updated animation speed
  • Fixed critical hit error when non player entities fire projectiles
  • Fix Player can cancel skiinning by left clicking with the knife, ensure BPIcarusPlayerControllerSurvival::CanPerformInputAction listens to montage animation locks, allow the player to cancel skinning only with interact, this means that the player can not move, look, change weapons etc. whilst skinning, the only means to cancel skinning is to press interact a second time whilst skinning
  • Fixed an issue causing drinking water to prevent swimming applying the wet modifier and players being set on fire. Players can still use waterskins to douse themselves by using them from their action bar
  • Updating Logic so we retain drinking water causing fire to be extinguished, but modifying the cooling drink modifier so the wet modifier can now be applied as inteded. This means that players will be able to both drink water and get the cooling modifier and also get the wet modifier from entering water, which was previously blocked unintentionally
  • Fixed an issue causing Deep Ore Vein's highlight text to only show for the host
  • Fix When all stomach slots are full, eating food that gives the same buff but is a different type of food does not refresh the buff, some meat items provide the same consumable, check stomach contents matching on the consumable provided by an item rather than the item in a prepass, this means that modifier lifetime will reset when eating an item that provides the same consumable modifier as an item in the stomach
  • Corrected textures on T3 Alteration Bench
  • Added version 2 of Tier 3 Alteration Bench mesh, textures, materials, and destructable mesh
  • Attempted fix 2 for Floor Torch Niagara effects not resuming correctly on prospect resume, this time enable Reset bool and revert back to previous Set Active node
  • Fixing issue where various skinning rewards (such as basic meat) where not being scaled corrected based on player stats, they way that the scaling was done for rewards with the same min & max numbers has been swapped to a better system, this has now been corrected and these rewards will scale correctly
  • Fixed gold yield attachment recipe cost

Future Content

  • Added 3 variations of Swamp Bramble E to project
  • Added 3 variations of Swapm Bramble F to project
  • Add Inaris Crossbows to game. Not available in workshop yet
  • Fixed icon for Inaris Arrow Sets being Printed Arrows
  • Update Shortcuts toolbar to have Prometheus button
  • Added No Moss variants of all swamp mats for use in grasslands biome, tweaks to master SW rock shader to better match CF rocks
  • Enabled height based restriction for object placement quests. - Initial setup of HIGHRISE mission
  • SW_Bramble_G first pass mesh, textures and material
  • SW_Tree_SML_Dead adjustments on mesh, textures and material
  • Swamp Macros - improvements to CAC and normal maps
  • Landscape sculpting and painting, risver spline adjustments and added new Macro Cliffs in vulcanic biome, Green Quad, DLC
  • Impassable and Macro Cliff Pass, Red Quad, Prometheus
  • Grasslands Rocks - duplicated SW macros and assigned no moss mats
  • Tundra Rocks - duplicated SW macros, added snow mats
  • Created cave template assets for new cave levels
  • Adding in Inaris crossbow fire audio, event and data table entry
  • Lake and river placement, landsacape sculpting and painting, Green Quad, DLC
  • Impassable and Macro Cliff Pass, Red Quad, Prometheus
  • Added Impassable, Macro Cliffs and Caves to Tundra on Blue Quad, DLC Map
  • Adding unique load bolt audio for Inaris Crossbow
  • Adjusted the quad setup on Terrain 019 to include 2 new quads
  • Finished CAVE_LC_MED_002, Added cave voxels & cave worms
  • Finished CAVE_LC_MED_003, Added cave voxels & cave worms
  • Added Material for Undewater Swamp to fix Swamp water being full transparent from underwater
  • Add option to use cavity mask for moss generation on RockMacroMaster
  • Fixed saturation problem with moss function causing weird shadows
  • Add DT Validation for D_Biomes where Color Alpha is not 255
  • Adding test case for sending creature vocals to canyon delay. Wolf attack, agro and death
  • SW Cliffs - revised meshes+textures for cliff meshes 02 and 03
  • Edit to Rock_SW_Master shader to add AO moss, revised tiling texture set SW_Cliff_02
  • Grasslands Rocks - duplicated SW cliff and cave entrance meshes, applied no moss materials
  • Created LC_Cave_Med_02 and 03 template, created cave template assets for all vulcanic cave levels
  • Added Macro Cliffs in Grasslands biomes, Green Quad, Prometheus
  • Added Impassable, Macro Cliffs and Caves to Tundra on Blue Quad, DLC Map
  • Grasslands Rocks - added missing meshes, fixed some material assignments
  • Tundra Rocks - duplicated SW cliff meshes, added snow materials
  • SW CanyonWalls - removed incorrect LOD material slot - will add back in and correct during optimization pass
  • SW Cliff 04 - new mesh and textures, updated material and biome variants
  • Fixed infinite loading screen on Terrain 019 by adding missing volumes to generated levels
  • Fixed Play from Here loading problem, Added Impassable, Macro Cliffs and Caves to Tundra on Blue Quad, DLC Map
  • Impassable and Macro Cliff Pass, Purple Quad, Prometheus
  • Added Impassable, Macro Cliffs and Caves to Tundra on Blue/Green Quad, DLC Map
  • Add Biome map and Master PSD for Terrain019
  • Adding new skinned larkwell suit with decals
  • Removed collision from Leaf meshes for SW_Cypress_Var3
  • Removed collision from Leaf meshes for SW_Cypress_Var2
  • Removed collision from Leaf meshes for SW_Cypress_Var1
  • Added Impassable, Macro Cliffs and Caves to Tundra on Blue/Green Quad, DLC Map
  • Configured dialogue for the upcoming HIGHRISE mission. - Fixed an issue causing deploy quests to track buildings that are not yet deployed
  • Impassable and Macro Cliff Pass On Purple Quad and Deleted Hightmap From Purple Quad, Prometheus
  • Imapssibles and Macro Cliff Pass, Landscape sculpting in Green Quad, DLC
  • Adding in base implementation for the Moa, all relevant DT entries created by the AI setup wizard and base creation of anim blend spaces for Locomotion and anim BP setup, still need to properly implement skinning and corpse related assets as well as skeleton for post skinned and harvest state
Icarus Content Depot 1149461
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