In this update you'll find our two new maps we've been working on, the Abandoned Hamlet and River Ford. We've also fixed a couple of persistent bugs that have plagued the game for a while.
Abandoned Hamlet
The Rebel Interlopers Town
In this small 2v2 map you explore the aftermath of the siege enacted upon the Empire Hamlet; traces of the rebel invaders and their foothold still live on.
River Ford
The Fort of the Ford
The River ford is a mid sized 2v2 map with a valuable fortress rich in Agacite, Bromnium, and Gold located at the center. Fight your enemies over this strategic point!
Bug Fixes
Battle at River Ford!
-Fixed a bug where combat music would reset and spam
-Fixed a visual bug where it would get way too dark in the early morning
-Fixed a bug where the host would hear client "Call to Arms" sound effects
Changed files in this update