Arriving far before the deadline, but with everything promised and more, Azrael V2 is available for download. There is too much for me to spell out everything individually, but I'll try once more to give a recap.
-Fully implemented save system with New Game and Continue option
-Can now view acquired endings from title screen
-Main Area complete rework and expansion
-Updated VFX
-Several New Levels outside of the main maze
-Sticky collision on walls fixed
-Bug fixes
-Several important QOL additions
-Several file optimizations to further reduce game size
-2 New music tracks
-New SFX
-2 Secret endings
-More story points
-More collectables
-Several Dialogue reworks
and most importantly...
Thanks so much for playing my game, I hope V2 will satisfy your two dollars.
I tested V2 extensively myself, but it's entirely possible there may still be a bug or two. If you run into something, please email me at
Thanks again!
Changed files in this update