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Junkyard Truck update for 4 August 2022

End of Week Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 9256009 · Last edited 4 August 2022 – 23:09:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This has been an interesting first week of early access with a lot of helpful reports from the community. Rather than burdening you with constant announcements, I'll compile all changes into one big list and announce that instead. You can find a more recent list of updates within the game's Update tab.

Fixes(7/27 - 8/2):
-Fixed an issue where the truck's oil light could get stuck in the ON position.
-Increased refresh rate of HUD stats.
-Fixed an issue where movement speed was not affected by player stats.
-Fixed a bug where certain aftermarket parts could be installed over the top of other parts.
-Fix to Jake's furniture mission not getting accepted under certain scenarios.
-Disabled the ability to recycle Jake's furniture.
-! Fixed an issue where the v8 block could break and cause a savegame corruption which could remove many of the player's items and progress.
-Center pistons should now be easier to remove.
-Fixed an issue where the carburetor could get stuck and refuse to detach.
-Fix to oil drain bolt sometimes not rendering on v8.
-Fix to air filter not getting saved properly. This was causing check engine lights in the v8. Replace your air filter i you still have this issue.
-Fixes to mission indexing and fix to junkyard wheels not being present if Jake's quest was saved and exited mid-quest.
-GPU optimization update.
-! Fixed an ongoing cash issue where adding money to a full inventory would count it toward the HUD's currency total without actually adding it, resulting in inflated money totals, and sometimes losing the excess cash. If your inventory is full, it will top off all stacks and leave you with a lose money roll which has the difference. If you are unable to add any more money, check to see if your inventory is full (TAB).
-Changed sugar and cornmeal labels to show weight
-Created a check to relocate anything that fell out of the map and didn't get respawned at the lost and found.
-Fixed an issue where email terminal wasn't updating.
-Fixed issue with trash bags not spawning.
-Removed some fallen trees which were causing problems.
-Removed the garage door temporarily. A new one will be installed soon.
-Fixed issue where mud was not properly accumulating on truck body.
-Addressed an issue with distillery producing too much moonshine.
-Removed a bugged waypoint for an inactive mission.
-Fixed an issue where engines saved on the engine stand would appear away from where they were supposed to.
-Fixed an issue where loose engine blocks would jolt themselves in a random direction upon loading a game.
-Changes to shadow rendering.
-Complete overhaul of inventory system.
-Fixed V8 oil pan's attachment issue.
-Reduced the maximum amount of trash bags that could spawn in town.
-Reduce amount of junk that can stay on the map at one time.
-V8 is now less jiggly. Both engines are now less prone to shifting around in the engine bay while driving.
-Increased grip strength on picking up items.
-Increased throwing power [R]
-Tobacco plants should now show hydration/growth stats.
-Fixed issue where NPCs wouldn't interact with the player if you had the ReturnAce or Reversed Dragon mission in your mission list.
-Jiggs Casey's missions should now get removed from the active missions list after completing.
-Fix to v8 alternator floating away.
-Jerry can now starts with some fuel in it.
-Fix to issues with player movement trouble after towing.
-Fix to Jake's questline not completing in the mission menu. Talking to Jake will mark it as complete.
-Small graphical updates.
-Fixed an issue where jumping into a moving vehicle could misalign your seating position.
-Fixed dust emitters on wheels.
-Changed the timing of items being picked up/let go to avid accidentally dropping things.
-Center cam bearings should now be easier to remove.
-Increased size of junk detection area when recycling at junkyard.
-Jerry can was too big to safely be stored in inventory and was causing inventory issues.
-Adjustments and improvements to truck and car headlights.
-Oil pan should now be easier to remove.
-Changed truck base texture to allow a completely clean paint job.
-Various terrain fixes.
-Fix to garbage bags causing inventory issues.
-Changes to help scale some ui elements on 4k monitors

Thank you for all of your reports. I've spoken to hundreds of you on discord this last week, and this community has been unbelievably helpful. While many above issues above have been completely fixed, some of them might require additional attention. This will all happen as quickly as I can manage.

Your Friendly Developer,

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