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Perfect Heist 2 update for 4 August 2022

Update 21: Casino and Clepto map improvements, NPC and class changes + bugfixes!

Share · View all patches · Build 9253936 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update features improvements for the Casino and Clepto maps, makes NPC movement a bit more unpredictable, and tweaks the Sniper and Backup classes to make them more fun to play against.

Casino always was a difficult map for robbers, with cops standing on the indoor balcony to cover most of their entry points into the employee zone. The lower employee zone was tweaked a bit to allow robbers easier access to the employee arcades, and the door to the underground area was moved to allow robbers to enter it without being seen from the cop lookout positions.



There should now be a lot more customers inside the Casino at all times, and more outside cover has been added to reduce van camping by the cops, and prevent cop rushes at the start of the round. Robbers will also find a new tunnel system on the Casino map, leading from the construction site to a small construction zone inside the bank, allowing them to more easily infiltrate the bank and giving them an additional escape route that isn't visible to cops camping on the roof or outside the bank.

Clepto Bank also received an update, also with more outside cover to give robbers more space to hide, and to delay initial cop pushes. There is also a new employee stairway leading up to the second floor, making it easier for players to navigate the map and giving cops more reliable access to the upper floor.

Experienced cop players could previously learn the movement patterns of the NPCs, and kill robbers solely for their movement, without them engaging in any criminal activities. This update aims to reduce this issue by giving the AI more freedom with their movements, resulting in slower turns, slight strafe walking, and more unpredictable movement changes. Some NPCs will now also try to actively dodge players like they dodge other NPCs, while others will now run into other characters more often, making them harder to distinguish from newer players and hopefully improving the gameplay experience of all players.

Sniper, while not the strongest class, was able to use his unlimited supply boxes to block pathways for cops, which wasn't intended and has been nerfed now, with the supplies now being destructible after shooting them. Backup also was nerfed, he now has an initial cooldown of 10 seconds on his active sprint ability, it was too strong at catching robbers off-guard at the start of a round, while his Backup bots gave him a lot of power in the later stages of a round already.


  • added "picktime=20" setting for dedicated servers to set the class selection timer
  • added "spectators=false" setting for dedicated servers to allow spectators


  • spectator mode is disabled by default now
  • Snipers Supplies are now destructible
  • NPCs now uses randomized avoidance patterns (some will run against everybody, others will dodge other characters)
  • NPCs now sometimes avoid players, dodging them if the player runs into their path
  • NPCs now have even more variance in how fast they are turning when moving around a corner
  • NPCs now sometimes chain moves, resulting in them doing a sudden turn to another target location
  • Backup now has a 10 second cooldown on his ability at the start of a round

Map Changes:
Clepto Bank:

  • added new employee stairway
  • added additional escape van
  • added more outside cover to break line of sight to vans and delay cop rushes
  • added more customer spawns near Hotdog Stand
  • added more customer spawns near Construction Side
  • added more customer spawns near Firetruck


  • added more outside cover
  • added more customer spawns to Hotdog Stand and Construction Side spawns
  • added a new tunnel from the Construction side to the inside of the Casino
  • reworked lower employee area to give robbers more reliable entry points
  • added more customer spawns inside the Casino
  • added more customer interest points inside the Casino


  • experimental fix for clients looking jittery for server host
  • fixed FPS limit not being applied correctly after game restart
  • fixed some weapon-specific skins being selectable for all weapons
  • fixed spectators being reviveable
  • fixed multiple text clipping issues
  • fixed some movement issues for client players introduced in the last beta update
  • fixed Mafia Boss and Insider sometimes not getting their bonus money
  • fixed tasered cameras still working
  • fixed horse rotating being very abrupt

Level Editor:

  • added "Roof Corner Border"
  • added "Logic Memory" and "Logic Timer"
  • default map name is now blank to prevent accidentially overriding other saves
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