This game is in Early Access, most changes are put live for testing purposes. If you like or dislike a change, please post constructive feedback here
Dev comments:
- Apologies for the patch being delayed for quite some time, there was an issue with my server provider that was out of my control, but we're back now! Please keep in mind, this is a first pass at cooldowns on abilities, be sure to give feedback and changes will be made in upcoming patches!
- Regarding changes to abilities this patch, such as the satchel, be sure to let me know what you think, and don't hate it before you try it ;)
- Newer versions of Reshade will kick you out of the game due to EAC. (Please use Reshade version 5.0.2)
- Max FPS settings have been reset
- Special arrows and Utility no longer have charges, now set to a base cooldown
- Re-enabled entering the training range whilst in queue
- Damage curve changed from 1.01 > 1 when drawing your bow (will have to charge for slightly longer to do more damage)
- Holding the sprint key when auto sprint is on, will make you walk
- No longer does leg or headshot damage, just pure 30 damage anywhere on the player
- Fixed a bug where wallbounce wouldn't activate if you were falling and your speed was below sprint speed
- Increased kick radius from 50 > 60
- Increased kick distance from 225 > 230
- Fixed a bug where aiming below the hips of a player wouldn't correctly register as a hit
Special Arrows:
- All special arrows are now cooldown based, charges have been removed
- Fixed a bug where the heal arrow AOE healing wasn't healing players in matchmaking games
- Heal arrow now works on AI
- Smoke arrow now has a cooldown of 16s
- Fire arrow now has a cooldown of 22s
- Shadow arrow now has a cooldown of 28s
- Volley arrow now has a cooldown of 18s
- Heal arrow now has a cooldown of 35s
- All utility is now cooldown based, charges have been removed
- Satchel cooldown increased from 8 > 12
- Throwing Knife cooldown increased from 8 > 12
- Smoke Bomb cooldown increased from 8 > 12
- Heal Potion cooldown has been increased from 8 > 20
- Satchel has been changed from speed additive to speed override
- Satchel speed changed from 1400 > 800
Arrow Packs:
- More arrow packs have been placed around the map
- Each arrow pack as a 15s respawn time from when it has been picked up
- Give 3 arrows
- Health buff removed
- Ammo buff now gives 10 arrows, no special or utility charges (as they no longer exist)
Mini Health Orbs:
- Respawn time increased from 10 > 15
- Slightly reduced size of the visual mesh (not the collision radius)
- Will no longer be blocked by projectiles
- Slightly moved blue team spawn barrier forwards on the arena (right side)
- Fixed map edging so you can't slide down the edge of the cliff
- Fixed a bug where the bird ambience on Cliffside wasn't in the correct audio setting
- Fixed a bug where you could take the portal on cliffside in-between the round ending and the next one starting
- Lowered cliffside teleport sound FX
- Fixed a slight collision error on Fate blue team spawn
Training Range:
- Movement and combat tutorial added
- Added a new location to the training range 'The Cube' you can access it through the new portals
- Training range AI now have red outlines
- Training range AI will now spawn with a random or preset animation
- The Cube has a chase mode (makes the AI chase you whilst inside the cube) along with different AI spawners
- AI will play random animations when not chasing
- AI will randomly move or stay stationary
- Dash cooldown is now reset when a trial is reset in the infinity trials
- Reduced momentum when going through portals in the training range
- Fixed a bug where the shadow arrow entry visual effects didn't play
- Tournament arrow trail added to the game (Velocity)
- Shop abilities updated with correct information
- Added a option under 'UI' in the gameplay options to turn off the tutorial reminders
- Main menu has now been updated visually, to match the visual style of other maps in the game
- Settings style changed to be more visible on lower resolutions
- Removed slight hitch when entering the main menu
- Fixed a bug where you wouldn't be able to join games when accepting matches from the training range
- Fixed a bug where the menu would load, then reload when entering the main menu (when coming from the training range or listen server custom games)
- Added a new video setting 'Max Menu FPS' this will be set to 60 by default, and will only take effect whilst in the menu
Other bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where some gameplay settings didn't work if others weren't enabled (such as the obstacle indicator on hitboxes)
- Fixed multiple client errors on the initial launch of the game which could cause crashes
- Multiple crash fixes
- Fixed a bug where deathmatch spawn barrier remained visible or had collision when joining a deathmatch that had already started
Changed files in this update