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Gloria Victis update for 4 August 2022

Weekly Update 328: Mass Production

Share · View all patches · Build 9251093 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Warriors!

This week we’re introducing a few changes in response to our Community voice. We are tweaking and polishing recently added minigames, adding a few mass production recipes to the game, and dropping a lot of Quality of Life improvements and fixes.

The task of reshaping the game world and moving capital cities to the sides of the map is still in progress in the background, and we should be ready to show you the results later this month.

In the meantime, please accept our invitation to join and follow our Social Media hubs, as we are working hard to grow them before the game release, and you can help there!

Check the details below, and see you in battle!

The screenshot’s authors have been awarded. ZEX, Chris, and Siegbert – expect some Ambers soon!

Changelog v. Beta

Quality of Life

Mass Production Recipes

The player-driven economy is one of the three pillars of our game, and it is visible that players have an impact on the market, prices, demand, and supply. As developing your crafting skills is a serious thing, especially when you see the number of various crafting professions available in our game, it is always nice to have the possibility to prepare some of the needed materials faster and in larger quantities.

We are introducing further mass production recipes, which will help you prepare some crafting materials quicker, giving you more time to participate in other activities.

We are introducing six new scrolls with mass-production recipes. A player can find them in the glory shop and misc recipes random box.

The recipes are:

– Mass Production - Tannin
– Mass Production - Long Nails
– Mass Production - Quilted Canvas from Scraps
– Mass Production - Thick Tanned Leather from Scraps
And as one scroll with two recipes:
– Mass Production - Decatized Canvas
– Mass Production - Decatized Canvas from Scraps
– Mass Production - Tanned Leather
– Mass Production - Tanned Leather from Scraps

We are already working on refreshing some of the crafting aspects, for example, changing the system for crafting beers and alcoholic beverages. You will soon get a new workshop dedicated to that crafting branch, saving your time and preparing your drinks passively in the background.

Other QoL improvements

Tweaks to fisheries regen

Fisheries regen are related to the server size, but we found that getting fish on the biggest server was much easier on the global scale, basically having fisheries full even next to capital cities. We have tweaked the calculations to make them regen faster on smaller servers and a bit slower on the biggest server.

Progress bar minigame polish

– Removed progress bar minigame from planting crops. Reduced time of planting from 5 to 3 seconds.
– Removed progress bar from reading treasure maps and opening treasure chests.
– The next target area cannot spawn underneath the pointer. Added a gap of 200ms distance in the pointer movement until it reaches the next trigger area.

New animations

Added new emotes: Rock, Paper, Scissors. This emote is randomized between those three symbols and sends a chat message on play, showing the outcome. You can now settle all disputes with this ancient method. :) Additionally, we added "Salute" and "Nope" emotes and capturing flag animation on VoD flags.


– Clamped continuation time for siege events only when the new continuation time is greater than the default.
– Fixed the issue where progress bar minigame UI could stay on the screen when the minigame was active during transfer to Valley of Death Tournament.
– Fixed an issue with the UI of emotes which was not highlighting the icons if player FPS were below 30.

Join our Social Media

Last but not least, be sure to join our Reddit, follow our Facebook and Twitter, and say hello on our official Discord! We are happy to see our social media hubs growing, creating space for your contributions, questions, and opinions!

Gloria Victis Depot Depot 327074
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