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Linguist FPS - The Language Learning FPS update for 4 August 2022

v1.08 - Optimization and Graphics Improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 9250487 · Last edited 4 August 2022 – 08:09:27 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

v1.08 Update Includes:

-A big improvement to performance optimization, those of you with beast computers wont notice. But for anyone playing on a slightly older machine (especially laptops) you should be getting a lot more frames per second. If you're not please let me know (and include your machine specs if you don't mind!)

-Graphical improvements to the supply room interiors. Textures improved and a lot more detail has been added.

-A small bug related to some of the doors not closing has been corrected. Wasn't game breaking but it was triggering my OCD a little bit.

If anyone experiences any problems with this newest update please let me know. I'm going to work on some bigger improvements to the actual game play features now. You should see them pretty soon!

Chaz - Lead Developer

Windows Depot 1945591
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