Early Access Patch #14 is here and Royale mode has been improved with a prettier bracket and shop in-between matches! Now you can know who the legends and developers are and feel great when you take them on!! On top of this is a bunch of balance changes that we look forward to seeing figured out and used against us in the Next Dev Royale this Thursday the 4th at 3pm EST!
Royale Changes:
- Bracket now shows Legends, developers, humans and bot bands more clearly.
- Iconic Bots now show up in Royale with a special icon and reward for defeating them.
- Shop is now more user friendly and has a shopkeeper.
- Round information is now more clearly available.
- Timers are now visible in more situations.
- Round 1 card removals should now behave appropriately.
- Character portraits on the right side of the screen now correctly face the center of the screen.
- Fixed issue where bots would respond with "Would Use Energy for <blank>"
- Instrument XP now earned at 50% faster rate.
- Reaching "Legend" rank unlocks the "Legend" guitar.
Balance Changes
Bot Changes:
- Drum bots should no longer ever have an "Overwhelming lick"
- Round 2 gear weakened for bots.
- Round 3-6 gear updated to include more Season 2 gear.
- Round 5 bots are more likely to have more upgrades and gear.
- Round 6 bots are more likely to have more upgrades and gear and additional strong cards.
- Bot weights updated for "Quick Call Back"
- Bot weights updated for "Roasting Their Past"
- Bot weights updated for "Reminiscent Riff"
- Bot weights updated for "Crowd Surf"
- Bot weights updated for "Wreck And Repeat" and "Repeat The Beat"
- Bot weights updated for "Break Their Stuff"
- Bot weights updated for "Soft Sticks"
- Bot weights updated for "Groovin' With The Bassline"
Card Changes:
- "Shake It Off" Draws 3 instead of 4 cards.
- "Wilting Refrain" gives 2 less hype on complete.
- "Chillin In The Groove" costs 1 fewer energy.
- "Pump Up Beat" 1 more capacity and -1 hype.
- "Story Introduction" gives 3 fewer hype, and adds "Rambling Story" to draw pile instead of top of draw pile.
- "In The Pocket" now gives +1 hype to keyboards cards in hand while in play, 3 hype, and 2 protection on complete, no longer gives extra hype based on playing the same card.
- "Insistent Melody" upgrade "Maintain" replaced with "Safe"
- "Well Timed Rimshot" upgrade "Speedy" replaced with "Signaling"
- "Crashing Cymbal" upgrade "Maintain" replaced with "Incredible"
- "Muted Keys" Now lowers all effected cards hype by 2 instead of 1 on play.
- "Remind All They Practiced" now exhausts, gives q more hype and protection.
- "Distracting Glare" gives -1 more hype.
- "Dancing With The Groove" gives 1 more hype, requires 1 more play to upgrade and now discards 1 card from other band for every 4 cards in song section instead of 3.
- "Roasting Their Past" costs 1 less energy, "Speedy" upgrade replaced with "Burning" and "Too Fast" replaced with "Ruthless"
- "Quick Call Back" gives 1 less default hype costs 1 fewer energy.
- "Wild Jam" has 1 fewer capacity.
- "Quick Head Shake" renamed to "Head Shake"
- "Cool Quick Noodlin" renamed to "Cool Noodlin"
- "Expecting Taps" gives 1 protection.
Late Game Protection changes:
- "Exciting Beat" now gives 3 protection on complete.
- "Crowd Surf" now gives 4 protection.
- "Riff Of Genuine Appreciation" now gives 2 protection.
- "Perfectly Melodic Lick" gives 4 protection.
- "Prestigious Jam" gives 2 protection on complete.
- "Steady Lick" gives 2 protection.
- "Drinks On The Band" now gives 2 protection.
- "Genius Opener" now gives 1 protection.
- "Finger Stretches" gives 1 more protection.
- "Invigorating Beat" -1 hype and one more protection.
- "Shred" gives 1 more protection.
Snare Hit Update:
- Every "Snare Hit" gives all "Snare Hit" +1 hype.
- "Snare Prep" only adds 2 "Snare Hit" to hand instead of 3.
- "Snare Hit" Bot weight adjusted.
Gear Changes:
- "Majestic Triangle" adds a "Signal The Bouncer" to hand on activation 3 times per match, renamed "Signaling Triangle" and costs $115 now.
- "Naturally Grown Walnut Drums" give 13 hype per 11 performance cards.
- "Notebook Of A Legend" costs $20 less.
- "Armored Guitar Case" gives 4 protection a turn.
- "Tower Of Speakers" gives 4 hype per finished song section and costs $90 more.
- "Haunted Drum Machine" costs $20 less.
- "Cymbal Of Speed" now includes any cards with the "Quick" keyword.
- "Reverb Pedal" now includes any card with the "Quick" keyword, costs $10 more.
- "Magical Headphones" now include any card with the "Loud" keyword.
- "Truly Sick Headphones" now includes any card with the "Sick" keyword.
- "Champion Belt" costs $30 less.
- "Magic Conch" costs $50 less.
- "Cool leather Jacket" adds 5 protection on activation.
We are excited to see how you all like the changes and can't wait to hear more feedback on how to keep improving Battle Bands!
If you are looking for other players to play against or with or just for all the latest news come check out our [Discord!](Discord.gg/BattleBands)
Changed files in this update