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Fret Smasher Playtest update for 3 August 2022

Fret Smasher v0.34 A2

Share · View all patches · Build 9247214 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Fret Smasher v0.34 A2 Is Here!

This update adds quite a bit to the game from further customisation options, leaderboards to changes to the player hit logic.


First we have a brand new theme players can select. This theme was created for one of our steamer partners over on Trovo, I_AM_DOMINATOR. The theme is a mix of greens and purples and works best when a purple HyperFlux highway is used.

Additional features include themes now having the ability to swap out UI elements and said UI elements can now be dragged around on your screen to new positions. You can also now change the highway length and bump up the highway speed to 100!

Hit Logic

The game's hit logic has received an upgrade with combo recovery being easier than ever before! The infinite frontend cheat can also be used freely with scores now having full score saving. For the more competitive players, you can view additional stats on the results by pressing blue and see how accurate your hit timings were.

Did you play with the Pro FC Mode and had a really hard time? The brutality of the mode has been reduced with the following changes:
Hit window 80ms -> 100ms | FAS 30ms -> 37.5ms | SAH 53.3ms -> 66.6ms

Leaderboards and Achievements

We're not on Steam for nothing. You can now earn Steam achievements and upload scores to the Steam leaderboards. Leaderboards can be viewed by pressing orange on a song. You can also view them directly on your Steam profile in the game's stats.

Wrapping things up

Finally we have all sorts of bug fixes and adjustments made to the game that will improve your gameplay experience. As usual, if you spot a bug, report it to our Discord server or contact us on our website.


  • NEW Steam Achievements - 30 total achievements with more to be added soon.
  • NEW Leaderboards - Upload your highscores to a leaderboard and view the top scores by pressing ORANGE on a song
  • NEW Highway length setting - Adjust the overall highway length from 30% - 1000%
  • NEW Countdown timer
  • NEW Active modifier icon in score saving
  • NEW Active cheats icon in score saving
  • NEW More Stats in Results! - Observe your note timing accuracy by pressing BLUE
  • NEW Sounds - Player join/leave, Battle Power Attack/Gain, Star Gain, Star Max
  • NEW For Themes - Scorebox UI support, and new colour options
  • NEW Input Viewer - A more flashy input viewer to have on display with input counts. Useful for streaming or for reporting bugs.
  • NEW Custom UI Positions! - Drag gameplay UI elements around (Score, Highscore chaser, & Input Viewer)
  • NEW Whammy Speed - Set the speed of the whammy animation in the settings
  • NEW I_AM_DOMINATOR Theme - This is an all green & purple theme created for one of our Stream partners
  • NEW 3 HyperFlux Highways - Purple Swirls, Pink Swirls and Purple Streaks.
  • Fixed an issue causing the icon for Keys to not display in results
  • Fixed an issue with career rivals locked to the same instrument as the player
  • Fixed an issue causing the hit window display to not display the correct size when on varying song speeds
  • Fixed an issue preventing beatline textures in themes from being applied to beatlines in the initial beatline object pool
  • Fixed an issue causing sustains that are dropped or completed on specific highway speeds having an incorrect sustain start position
  • Fixed an issue causing the strum after hopo timer (SAH) to not trigger on hopos/taps hit using the infinite frontend
  • Fixed an issue causing sustains held to completion on video offsets greater than 0 appearing cut off as if there's more to the sustain that was left unhit
  • Fixed an issue causing lyrics and section times to drift on songs with BPM changes
  • Infinite Frontend cheat now has full score saving and is no longer marked as limited
  • Infinite Frontend cheat unlock condition moved from level 4 to level 2
  • Modified the unlock condition for [REDACTED] cheat
  • ProFC Mode's brutality has been reduced - Hit window 80ms -> 100ms | FAS 30ms -> 37.5ms | SAH 53.3ms -> 66.6ms
  • Player hit logic has been upgraded to better support combo recovery
  • Calamity by GRYBO chart has been updated with all difficulties and available instruments
  • Song scanning has been slightly adjusted and should see slightly faster results
  • Maximum highway speed has been bumped up from 20 to 100
  • Sustain textures has been updated
  • Rendering shader for the highway border, highway HyperFlux border and strings has been updated to allow for shorter highway lengths
  • Unlockable cheats that save their unlock status will now save their toggle status between sessions
  • Gameplay transition fading will now use your gameplay background instead of the default background texture
  • Face-off mode will now display the score differences between players instead of their total score. This will allow for easier reference on your performance compared to other players
  • Saved scores now display the note hit accuracy
  • Switched out star display to use a text renderer instead of sprites
  • Updated HOPO note textures to be more distinct against strum notes
  • Practice section A/B times now use the section's time instead of the time of the first note
  • Updated Trans Pride theme meta data
  • Updated fonts
  • Updated metadata of Eternal by Johari
  • Updated HyperFlux border texture
Windows Fret Smasher Playtest | Windows Depot 1648351
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Linux Fret Smasher Playtest | Linux Depot 1648352
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