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Edengrall update for 3 August 2022

August 3rd Update

Share · View all patches · Build 9246588 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We changed how food works, you are now supposed to eat a kilogram of food per day, but not all food is the same, delicious food will fill your comfort bar, which increases experience gain, while nutrients increase attributes and grant several small bonuses.

There are 7 attributes, each has one passive effect, as we add more features to the game like exploration and combat each attribute will do more and grant more bonuses.

Strength: stamina use reduction for tool specials (NYI) we will add tool specials on next update
Constitution: higher stamina regeneration
Agility: increased land speed and jump height
Dexterity: harvesting amount bonus
Endurance: increased swimming and diving speed (also swimming is very fast now)
Temper: Increases comfort gain (NYI)
Vitality: max nutrient buffer, the nutrient buffer allows you to store extra nutrients so you don't lose your bonuses a few minutes after eating as they decay

We will implement tool specials next as well as more UI config options. And then Faeries!


V0.43.0.0 ~ 03.08.2022 ~ Unity 2020.3.36f1

Added the Spinach and Sweet Potato plants.
Added 'Nutrient Packed' trait to improve crop potential nutritional value
Added a "Item get" visual effect.
Introduced a first version of the help window (Toggle with F1) that contextually shows or hides relevant help info.

  • Feedback on what and when you would like to see help info is appreciated.
    Added a skill window (Default hotkey K)
    Added a Cultivation skill
  • Decreases the stamina cost of using Seed Bags
  • Gives a tiny chance to heal the plant by 5% and level down one disease when watering crops
  • Increases the nutrients of the soil by a very tiny amount when watering crops
    Added a Harvesting skill
  • Seeds found in wild grass now give better traits the higher the harvesting skill is
  • Increases the yield of crops by up to 50%
    Added Tool skills that reduce their stamina costs.
    Added a skills window.
    Implemented Nutrients affecting attributes
    Implemented Constitution
    Implemented Agility
    Implemented Vitality
    Implemented Endurance
    Implemented Dexterity
    Added underwater camera effects.
    Implemented a eating window that displays more information when eating.
    Implemented comfort gain and losses curves when working/sleeping.
    Added a notification for skill gains.

Drastically nerfed meat, dairy and seafood gains from foraging (65% reduction)
Fixed a few typos
Implemented exp bonus from having comfort over 50
Added a random wind variation.
Skill up notifications no longer affected by time compression (sleep, auto cook, gathering, etc)
Changed the color of cancel buttons
Tripled base swimming speed
Improved many animation transitions
Improved underwater animations
Added texture streaming.
Added a seed texture for crop tiles with seeds.
Made so crop tiles with any nutrient deficiency will slowly turn ash gray to indicate lack of nutrients.
Slightly changed the color of a fully watered crop tile to be slightly darker
Made the building scene blocking the hotbar an optional behaviour that can be enabled in the gameplay options.
Removed outdated guide links from the main screen.
Changed the terrain textures used on the world.
Removed water reflections.
Food score affects nutrient gain when eating (0 score = -50% amount, 50 score = normal, 100 score = 150% amount)
Updated Unity to Unity 2020.3.36f1 and the UI Package, this has caused many style visual changes to many interfaces.
Changed the volume and pitch of some sounds.
Added a sound to cutting grass (in addition to the usual scythe swing sound)

Fixed most items being created at time 0 rather than current game time.
Fixed a uxml reference.
Fixed a bunch of issues in the prefab menu related to file conflicts.
Fixed performace issues with the prefab menu.
Fixed the skewer recipe effects.
Continuous sound effects like swiming or watering are now stopped when loading.
Fixed the particle effect for fully watering a tile not showing on some situations.
Fixed a nullpointer in the building scene.
Fixed a bunch of assorted null pointers.

Windows Everyday Life Edengrall Content Depot 1220601
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