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Tinkertown update for 3 August 2022

The "Travel Update" brings Mine Carts and Fast Travel Stations to Tinkertown!

Share · View all patches · Build 9245902 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear Tinkerers,

forget about endlessly walking back and forth between dungeons, houses, outposts, and whatever places you’d like to visit regularly within your world. With the latest update we’re introducing new ways to travel!

Our "Travel Update" comes with two new transportation systems:

Mine Carts on Rails
You can connect several locations with the various types of rails and then hop into a Mountable Mine Cart to travel faster than ever before.

The Fast Travel Station
If mine carts aren't really your style though, you can cross huge distances in an instant with the Fast Travel Stations. Fast Travel Stations are teleporters you can place all over the map and travel directly between those stations. You enter one, choose another station as your desired destination and the teleporter takes you there. Easy!

The Travel Update also includes a few improvements upon the new mechanics we introduced in the recent "Combat & Classes" Update, like charge-attacks, weapon scaling and new stats. But we are just getting started. Tinkertown will continue to grow with more updates planned!

The new Travel Update contains:

  • 5 Railway types to build and customize your own tracks
  • A Mountable Mine Cart to travel the rails
  • A Fast Travel Station
  • Multiple fixes and tweaks, based on your feedback from the Combat & Classes update

Known Issues: Sadly, we’re still working on some last challenges we have to face with the latest German, French, and Chinese localization. We are doing our best to deliver them as fast as possible.

As per usual: If you want to send us any feedback, join us on our Tinkertown Discord server or post it in the Steam Community Hub.

Friends, thank you so much for your ongoing support and have a great and sunny week! ❤️
The Tinkertown-Tinkerers

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