Hi Y'all!
Rumble Runners 1.3.3 brings some balancing tweaks and a better experience during races.
Gotta go fast!
Have you had runs where you end up being unlucky, just because you're waiting for that pesky speed boost? This update makes it so that you're more likely to get a speed boost power-up the more you don't get it.
That might be a confusing sentence, so let me break it down, haha.
Rumble Runners now counts how many times you picked up a power-up that was not a speed boost. Using this counter it gives you a higher chance of getting a speed boost power-up. It then resets to zero when you receive one. After 4 times of not getting a speed boost, you are 100% certain to get a speed boost.
This should make it a bit easier to catch up to the others.. :)
Impossible 50 slightly more possible.
The hardest mode in Rumble Runners has been made ever so slightly easier by making small tweaks in the Rumbling. For you hard-core players, don't worry, it's still very unforgiving to your mistakes, but now you are less likely to fall by the path just catching up with you, no matter how fast you're going.
Smile for the camera :)
The camera now starts off zoomed out all the way, since that is the preferred zoom with most players since you can see ahead much better.
What's next?
Rumble Runners 1.4 is currently being drafted. It's a much larger major update than 1.3 was, and will be heavily focussed on single-player content. What can you expect?
- solo challenges
- customisable Hub (also for the Multiplayer Lobby!)
- more stats & achievements
- more menu platforms
This list is not exhaustive, as the update is in the pre-designing stage.
Join the Rumble Runners discussion
If you'd like to be a part of the Rumble Runners community and the development of Rumble Runners, make sure to join Lunatinc on their social media!
Reddit: r/Rumble_Runners
Twitter: @_Lunatinc
Discord Server: Lunatinc on Discord
TikTok: @Lunatinc
Twitch: Lunatinc_
Changed files in this update