- Metal bolts now available at Kali-Gas (+ more rust repair kit)
- Rabbits randomly crossing the gravel road
- Now a chance to get snow precipitation
- High-beam button added to the Oltruck
- Better water material/shader (Especially when raining)
- Cannabis & Potatoes seed now have 100% chance of respawn if taken (once a week)
- You can now gift [Maple Syrup Can] to NPCs
- Black screen while sleeping/saving at the computer is fixed
- Items trapped under the home garage (If you had they will be at the dumpster beside the sugarshack)
- Generator running out of fuel could cause weird problems
- Going too far from dealers you could sell them weed again
- [Escape] key doesn't work to cancel keybinding for controller.
- Bunker lights won't turn off if grid power was cut
- Harvest Basket could show 0% while still having a tiny bit of content in them
- Cottage door clipped in the fertilized machine
- Home garage could spawn black
- Clipping in the bunker's stairs
Changed files in this update