Hey everyone!
We have a new patch for you all today! We've addressed some more of the bugs and requests you all have had. Please keep reporting any bugs you run into to our ticketing system in Discord. We appreciate all of your support and patience with us as we've worked to get these fixes out for you all. We are planning to add in HUD markers for your flag markers but didn't make it in this patch so be on the lookout for the next ones!
Fixes and Changes
- Fixed an issue where the player’s spirit goes to zero if they sleep after midnight. This also addressed issues with random spirit drops.
- Fixed an issue where low spirit caused infinite stamina.
- Changed save file names to show the appropriate biome.
- Fixed an issue where an infinite black screen would occur after raising health within 10 seconds of dying.
- Fixed an issue where the snowsuit would appear as basic suit in the tool wheel.
- Fixed an issue where the screen flashes between windowed and full screen - if you are still encountering this one, please let us know.
Changed files in this update