New Features
- Equipment now has a small icon next to it to make it easier to distinguish at a glance. The icon is red if the equipment is not for your character class
- Trade window now adds thousands separators to your own gold offer
- You can now quick-move items into the enchanter window
- Items and gold on the floor now flash before despawning
- You can now buy up to 10 stacks of items from an npc at once
- You can now quick-buy a whole stack from an npc by right-clicking with the quick-move key held (shift by default)
- The inferna rules/guidelines are now also available in-game via the ESC menu
- Empty equipment slots now show a tooltip with their type
- More effect sounds are loaded in the background before playing to reduce fps stutters
- Tweaked weather randomization to roll bad weather less often
- Slight performance tweak in text rendering for common latin script characters
- Armor traders in the starter towns don't sell weapons anymore
- Reward panel in the quest window is now hidden when there's no rewards
- Common rarity items now also have a gray outline (similar to higher rarity ones) to make dark items easier to see
- A warning is shown when trying to de-equip an item with no space left
- Tweaked ambient occlusion strength
- Added some color to the skill tooltips level/exp lines
Balance updates
- Reduced prices of hp potions (small from 50 to 32 gold, regular from 150 to 90, greater from 250 to 150 and super from 600 to 250)
- In order to make the game more accessible for beginners, most equipment world drops will be for the class of your character now instead of an equal mix
- MP will not be automatically restored to full when reviving
- Fixed an edge case where the character would not move to a target when clicking on it
- Fixed a bug preventing the character walking to an item to pick it up
- Fixed emotions not showing their cooldown in the skill window
- Fixed some bugs in the sound overlap limiting logic
- Fixed many items bags dropping at once by for example a rift would drown out any other sounds
- Fixed name toggle keybind sometimes changing the setting permanently
- Fixed environment time of day oscillating in some circumstances right after login
- Fixed switching to full screen resetting the selected resolution
- Fixed untranslated text in the player shop ui/name
- Fixed untranslated text in the character creation
- Fixed character skin shader not rendering shadows
- Fixed grainy rendering, especially noticable in darker areas
- Fixed ambient occlusion not turning off when disabling the post processing section
- Fixed successful skill book read still mentioning a level up
- Fixed skill tooltip showing exp in the next level section as well
Changed files in this update