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Gloria Victis update for 3 February 2022

Weekly Update 305: Weekly improvements and fixes, questionnaire and PVP Event!

Share · View all patches · Build 8138430 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Warriors!

We’re now focusing on two bigger tasks that should be delivered next week: An additional tournament map, and the next part – one of the biggest so far – of the game interface rework. This is why, as those two need a lot of attention and testing, today we are introducing some smaller improvements and fixes, following your reports and suggestions.

We're also reaching out to you in the form of an ingame questionnaire, with a question regarding the game flags tokening system. We'd love to know your opinion, so let us know what you think!

Also, we’re happy to forecast an upcoming 5v5 PVP Event hosted by developers.

Check the details below, and see you on the battlefield!

The screenshot’s authors have been awarded. XTO YA, and Wintar – check your Ambers!

Changelog v. Beta

Work in progress insight:

Our graphics and programmers are working hard on the next part of the Interface Overhaul. This time, the whole new interface will receive significant backend improvements to increase its responsiveness and reduce loading times, as well, you can expect a fully reworked minimap, along with many more polishing touches in existing interfaces.

As we see that you like some diversity when it comes to world events, and the instanced tournaments maps are the best way to deliver just that, we are slowly finishing our work before introducing the third map for this event. The last map was warmly welcomed and praised for its visuals, so we’re very happy with the outcome. As we now have snowy ismirean and exotic sangmarian maps, you may guess right, that the upcoming one will be placed in a muddy midlandic setting. :)

In-game questionnaire

This time we would like to ask you about "Microtokening" for nation castles. The proposed change would enable the defending nation to prevent the attackers from keeping the location in a constant siege state just by standing close to the location. If the defenders are able to repel the attackers and re-capture the small flags, the siege event will end, enabling the defenders to rebuild the locations’ defenses.

What is more, this change would bring more variety to open-world combat, as it would be possible to counter the sieging by fighting against the attackers on the small flags instead!

So, we want to hear your opinion on that! If you own a character with a level above 70 – check the details of the questionnaire in-game and share your feedback with us!

PVP event!

Reserve some time to join us at 09:30 PM GMT, (Saturday, February 12th) on the global arena of the Europe [EU] Eaglewood server and fight for fame in 5v5 battles. We invite everyone, especially our new players! The winners will be immortalized on the in-game monuments, and everyone who will come will be rewarded! Additionally, winners of the tournament will receive a special, commemorative item!

We’ll have 5v5 battles in elimination style. A group that has at least 1 man standing at the end of a fight, wins it. The last 2 remaining groups will fight in the finals – a team that wins 2 rounds in the finals wins the event. Be sure to stay in the arena after the event to receive rewards! See you there!

Quality of Life improvements

– Changed the hitpoints pool of freebuilding arena buildings from 54k to 10k, as it was used as a defensive structure to block siege engines.
– Added more treasure hunting spots nearby new Abandoned Mines locations.
– Added more depot chests in the game world, for example at Volcano, Sea Wraiths, Tournament events, and at Siege Camps.
– Improved the character preview rendering on the character interface. The model's textures will now have more details.
– Reduced the burning tents interaction time from 15 to 5 seconds in sangmarian questlines.
– Replaced starter spots of the second quest lines towards other quests, to improve player retention.


– Fixed an issue causing bonuses from “stomach buff” not being shown on the statistics interface.
– Fixed an issue where it was possible to loot furnaces while being unconscious.
– Fixed an issue where the mining character development tree was adding bonuses to gathering other resources, from other professions, for example, farming.
– Fixed an issue where hunger tutorials could show up when a character was not starving, hiding some crucial information on the screen, for example, the “Cursor mode” hint.
– Fixed reported bugged treasure spots.
– Fixed an issue where Renderers had incorrect pivots causing models to blink unexpectedly.
– Fixed an issue causing Garlands decoration to not be destroyed.
– Fixed the issue where it was possible to exploit the giant at the Volcano event by getting on the top of the gate.

Gloria Victis Depot Depot 327074
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