Hi peeps!
Well, this was supposed to be a small hot-patch to conclude the post 0.9.0 bug-fixing pass, but I got carried away. :)
This is compatible with older saves (0.8.5+ with the usual caveats) and mods.
Job Distribution
I have to admit that I'm a bit ashamed not to have done that sooner. But thanks to a suggestion from Dr_V on how to proceed in a way that wouldn't bog down the pathfinder by tons of requests, I added a way for survivors to pick jobs close to them in priority.
While the system is imperfect and added at the last minute (it'll be improved further), in practice it heavily reduces the occurrences of jobs being accepted by someone at the other side of the map instead of someone close by. A very good example is when you have an orchard: instead of having settlers from all over the map retrieving stuff one tree at a time, the same 2-3 survivors will generally go through most of the trees in one go.
Additionally, when loading a save, base activity will resume in a much less disruptive way, as people will (generally) be attributed jobs in close proximity.
Bandit Hideouts
This one is using the new 0.9 mechanics. From time to time, you'll get an event telling you that a bandit hideout has been established in the area. They behave like a minor faction. The hideout act as the main base which you can destroy with your own expeditions. It does not grow in strength over time, but it sends small raiding parties on a regular basis (one every day and a half, give or take).
Those raiding parties are quite small but still target any location they consider hostile or which contain loot. This includes any outpost of any faction, your own base and undefended locations. They aren't a major threat by themselves (6-8 bandits), but can grind down your defenses and disrupt your plans by taking over locations you've previously cleared if left unattended.
Map Generations & Graphics
While this will only be visible on new games, the procedural map generator uses more graphical assets, and take advantage of mods providing alternate textures for furniture. You'll likely notice more table, sofa, tv, and seat variations.
More importantly, the building generator is less likely to produce rooms with doors blocked by impassible furniture, especially in the underground bunker. It's not perfect, and not meant to be either (it's the apocalypse, not an ikea display :p), but it's still an improvement overall.
I also replaced the textures for the (stone) water well and spider nests and the by less ugly content. Speaking of spiders, they got their own sound effects, replacing the generic monster effects.
Notable Balance Changes & Fixes
I'm not sure how I didn't notice, but 0.9.0 was accidentally miscalculating Maximum HP for pretty much everything. In practice, it led most survivors to have a lot less HP than they should, but was impacting monsters with lot of HP much less.
It's no longer possible to keep your underground base hidden by using an already existing stair. Now, the base is considered visible the moment you build anything (zones included) on the surface.
A bug in plant reproduction was also preventing newly spawned apple trees from being recognized as being owned by your faction, preventing you (and your survivor) from interacting with them.
Finally, a bunch of small issues tied to hordes have been fixed.
A Few Words
This should be the last patch for 0.9.0 proper (unless there's a major problem). I'm now going to work on a few new features while improving the existing stuff.
Namely, I'll be adding the ability to relocate the base (which shouldn't be a problem). Add optional defensive manual battles when your outposts are attacked while trying to make those encounters (in general) a bit more varied and interesting. Manned turrets should be there too. And if i get the time, digging AI for some of the mobs alongside other mob-specific unique behaviors.
Full Changelog
- AI: When possible, survivors will look for a nearby job before considering the whole list (leading to overall better productivity)
- Balance: Fixed exploit where using stairs from the map would allow to keep the base hidden (building anything on the surface will reveal base now)
- Balance: Removed critical hit chance from spider webs, further damage reduction as I sorta forgot about the shotgun effect at close range last patch
- Balance: Slight HP increase globally to account for higher lethality in recent patches (more meaningful tweaks to come)
- Balance: Prevented different species of trees from ignoring each other, reducing overall density in maps with different species
- Balance: Animal hordes no longer clear map locations for you, they will replace whoever defended the place instead
- Content: Bandit hideouts can appear on the world map over time. They send bandits groups to attack nearby locations or a regular basis.
- Engine: Much better performances when a lot of building jobs are queued
- Graphics: Minor graphical tweaks to procedurally generated content (lamps turned off, more seat/table variations, wrecks...)
- Graphics: Recolored and thinner windows to make them easier to differenciate from the metal doors
- Graphics: Replaced the spider nest (round hole with webs) by an animated model (pulsating eggs under webs)
- Graphics: Replaced stone water well texture by something looking less... bad :)
- ProcGen: Map-gen uses furniture from the list you can build when possible instead of duplicates, taking advantage of added/modded textures
- ProcGen: Buildings less likely to have impassible rooms and much less likely to have doors blocked by furniture
- Sound: Spiders got their own sounds & grunts (hit, webbing, death) replacing generic ones
- UI: Made it more explicit (in left/right click tooltip) that furniture already on the map cannot be used
- UI: Added missing right click menu and tooltip for turret slot in settler/npc info screen
- UI: Tooltip about plants inform you of their growth stage & fertility
- UI: Default layer hotkeys moved from "home = surface" and "1-9 = underground" to just "1=surface" and "2-0 = underground" for practical reasons
- Fixed: Some furniture couldn't be moved when starting in the underground bunker
- Fixed: Maps could spawn with items placed on the ground (containers destroyed during map gen), which could cause settlers to go on a suicidal 'adventure'
- Fixed: Map debris could provide decorative value
- Fixed: In arid biomes some of the trees were still spawned as inert objects instead of using the new system
- Fixed: Right clicking expedition equipment in garage screen would show panel for the transport instead of the item
- Fixed: If a travel event triggers at the same time an expedition reaches its destination, it would get stuck until it's moved again.
- Fixed: Spider and scorpion nests could be decayed and thus "broken" during map generation
- Fixed: Issue causing a miscalculation of maximum hit points, ignoring traits and other stat altering effects (regression bug in 0.9)
- Fixed: In the "Custom Map" scenario, switching back & forth between surface and underground tabs would reset map size settings
- Fixed: Occasional issue introduced in with the way recreation & sleep needs are handled
- Fixed: Plants wouldn't inherit faction ownership from parents, which in the case of apple trees would prevent interactions
- Fixed: Some combinations of horde settings could leave attacked/infected buildings with the wrong faction ownership
- Fixed: Water collector menu occasionally jittering when refreshed
Changed files in this update