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Straimium Immortaly update for 27 January 2022

Patch v10.20

Share · View all patches · Build 8099004 · Last edited 27 January 2022 – 18:08:50 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Your pinky thirst gnaws once more...

Hey Straibros. Straimium was in need of a patch to get it shipshape for Steam Deck and something I've been thinking about doing for a while now is add in some sort of score mechanic and online leaderboards.. so that's what I did! :]

I wanted the score mechanic to just reward good play and without needing to do weird cheese strats to maximise your score. So in the Crawl Game modes your score is increased for goldifying rooms and collecting pinkies. Killing enemies increases it too but they also have a kill multiplier if you keep killing them without getting hurt yourself, which resets the multiplier and reduces your overall score a tad. Killing bosses gives a hefty score boost, and you get a bonus if you manage to do it without getting hit. In the Bossy Rushy game mode it's mostly just about beating off the bosses getting those perfect smashes.

The Cube Crawl, Cubic Crawl, and Cubicus Crawl game modes now have online leaderboards for both high score and speed runs. The Bossy Rushy game mode also has a high score online leaderboard. Each different character class has their own leaderboards, and if you have input a dungeon seed it will create a leaderboard just for that seed and class.

There's been some tweaks to the various Crawl game modes too to make them a bit different from each other, notably the smallest Cube mode to make it a bit faster to complete for those times you just fancy a quickie with Queeni. The Cube mode no longer has a fourth boss in Mechazonea zone, which also has a reduced number of rooms since they can be difficult with few upgrades, and Queeni won't have a second phase. The chance for the more difficult alt-bosses to appear also depends on the mode, more uncommon for Cube, more common for Cubicus.

Some various other bits and bobs tweaks and changes related to feedback and improving compatibility...

  • Updated the game's engine to the latest version of GameMaker so the issue some were having with fullscreen slow down should be fixed now and should generally have better compatibility.
  • The game now defaults to fullscreen and 1280x720 resolution (to conform with Steam Deck requirements).
  • The game will now auto-update the active gamepad each time a button is pressed when playing single player.
  • The game will now auto-update the control tip icons based on the last button press (showing either Keyboard, Xbox, Playstation).
  • Added a Menu Confirm/Back button that all menus use and can be set to any of the action buttons in the Settings menu.
  • In the Settings menu you can now delete all save data (eg Class / Game Type unlocks) or just settings data (eg key bindings). On the Title Screen holding F3 for 3 seconds will also delete settings data (just in case you massively mucked up the key bindings).
  • The three Crawl game modes have been separated into their own menus so you can change their various options, like mutators, independently of each other.
  • Increased the alpha of black outlines around objects (eg enemies) and removed the grunge overlay to improve visibility.
  • Fixed a bunch of visual oddities with the CRT screen effect and added an extra option so it can be viewed without the screen border distortion effect.
  • Using the giant Warp Portal can now teleport you to any room that you've been in before (previously it could only take you to other Warp Portal rooms).
  • The Fledgling Broodling class now get free shop items (since his runs are pretty difficult).
  • The Robotica Orbica now has a slightly faster fire rate (since his split fire can be pretty annoying with some slow fire rate weapons).
  • The Paddy Locky class can now get extra locky orbitals from weapon chests (instead of skelly keys), and starts with the Exchanger item (since mana pickups are pointless), so the class is now less impossible to win as.
  • Picking up a Bossy Key will now tell you how many Boss Keys are left to find.
  • After completing a challenge/boss room the exit vortex won't appear until you pick up the Key (in case you accidentally forget to pick it up).
  • Cubos Incursion: You now have a bit more time to escape an exploding cube as it could be a bit tight depending on layouts. Also reduced the amount of pinkies required for the Incursion Pinky Hunt achievement by 111 since it's otherwise a bit too random whether you get it or not.
  • Fixed various bugs.

Enjoy beating each other off those leaderboards! :]

Straimium Immortaly Content Depot 515651
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