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Railway Islands - Puzzle update for 27 January 2022

Railway Islands - Steam Workshop Update!

Share · View all patches · Build 8098876 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Create, discover and download new islands created by other players! In this major update, the game brings a complete island editor integrated into Steam Workshop.

After the successful release of Railway Islands, some players asked for more islands, some even suggested an in-game island editor, so today that wish comes true! Update 1.1.0 brings a full editor and integrated Steam workshop into the game, without needing an external app or buying DLC. You can create, edit, download and play islands that other players have created, without having to download or pay anything extra, it's all in the game!

I believe that the editor is very intuitive and that most players will not need a complex tutorial to be able to create islands, but soon I will release a complete tutorial.

In addition to the editor, the game also brings 5 new achievements that can be unlocked using the editor. Creating, Submitting, Voting, Favorites and Playing an editor level.

Before submitting your island to the Workshop, you are required to test it first, your train must pass through all stations and reach the blue tunnel safely. This is to ensure that all islands in the Workshop are solvable.

You can start your level by clicking on the “Play” button on the top menu of the editor.

However, this button is only available when the island has tunnels and at least one train station positioned on the map.

See an example of a level without these items.

See that the “Play” button has a red flag, it means something is missing from your level and you will not be able to test and submit your level until you place the missing items.

I hope this new update makes the game more fun and content rich, I look forward to seeing your creations and community feedback on new game features! Thanks for the support!

Alysson N. Moraes – Moraes Game Studio.

Windows 64-bit Railway Islands - Puzzle Content Depot 1807931
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