-Gain 1 Rune from the Vase of Accumulation if you are offline for more than an hr!
-New Detailed option to show HP as a percent
-New Detailed Option to hide Flying Resources
-New Splash screen for mobile!
-Cleaned up the splash screen on all platforms
-Fixed a bug where the mirror tree sometimes wouldn't save properly
-Fixed a bug with Enchanting while using the Lantern
-Fixed a bug with multi-touch that could cause various issues
-Fixed bug with dropping items onto full bags that the item is already in
-Fixed bug with potential recursive bag configurations
-Fixed an issue when multiple cloud flags were set at the same time
-Fixed bug with Grim Potion (...)
-Fixed an exploit
-Improved app performance a bit
-Made backend change to stop entity ID from incrementing to huge numbers
-Fixed a problem with some sound cards
Work is well underway for Era 3! Yahoo! :-D
Changed files in this update