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Breakwaters update for 27 January 2022

Larger doors for boats and water, Creative Mode update, and lots of improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 8093936 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New "wide" door

We fixed up the door auto open close logic. While we worked on that it seemed like a great time to add a new "wide" door which boats can better fit through and to clean up the visuals a bit.

Creative Mode

We have been hard at work on Creative Mode, and its coming along nicely.
Currently we are polishing up the UI interactions and what you can do in the world.
We are discussing if we should integrate Steam Workshop to let people share their created worlds... its one of the "OF COURSE, WHY NOT!" things. It would take some time though and we haven't decided if it would hold back creative mode, or be added after creative mode is in the wild. Let us know what you think or join the conversation on discord.

Recent updates

We also have lots of updates, fixs, and improvements that have gone in the game lately, here are some of the build notes.
More updates are on the way!


  • Fixed save load system to not error out on save load logic before the save load was done.
  • Fixed save load perf issue where a memory issue would make it think it should load up 12million missions from the save file
  • Setup wide single door variant of metal doors and cleaned up some metal door visuals and sizes
  • Fixed door scaling so the visual isnt scaled on the transforms preventing it from skewing when rotated open
  • Fixed door auto open/close bugs when stacked so it doesnt fail out when finding a non door collision
  • Setup remapping to block specific mapping combinations that can make it so users cant remap their buttons
  • Fixed mapping bugs on controllers where two button options kept mapping to keyboard
  • Fixed incorrect label on cycle ammo button mapping UI
  • Fixed boat name editing canceling on pressing E or Q which are buttons used in other UI to close or cancel
  • Fixed name editing for worlds and characters so E and Q dont cancel
  • Fixed name editing for worlds and character layout so it aligns with the name preview better
  • Fixed save file memory leak related to tutorial missions not clearing correctly
  • Fixed world map not correctly reseting when switching from a saved world to a new world.


  • Fixed issue where the world would not render correctly if you left a world and loaded into a new one and specific objects didnt exist in both worlds.
  • Updated world map to show the correct biome text instead of the debug biome text
  • Setup zones to reset their instanced rendering bounds and clear all instance rendering buffers on new world open
  • Minor UI logic improvements


  • Setup exit to main menu logic instead of quiting the game.
  • Fixed mission list UI showing missions status incorrectly and sometimes in duplicate.
  • Fixed issue where on start up, current world selection text could show the characters name.
  • Biomes now support a variety of island types adding more variety to biomes.
  • Fixed caged Titan spawn so it properly spawns on the ocean floor.
  • Fixed golem spawn scenario where they could get stuck in their "hide" animation but are in combat.
  • Fixed sail boat sailing off on its own if you died while it had full sail and then revived the boat.
  • Fixed water pipes so they correctly remove water when they are used with a pump.
  • Fixed wall vertical auto destruction so its not blocked by penetrating collision like floors.
  • Fixed player select menu so it shows the previous options behind the active menu like the world menu does
  • Fixed MegaGolem null-ref.
  • Fixed duplicate mission characters spawning in some cases.
  • Fixed duplicate titan relics showing up when the user switches between characters in a specific way.
  • Fixed various mission tracking bugs and mission duplication bugs.
  • Fixed pirate towers sometimes dropping incorrect "epic" loot when they should be dropping metal sheets loot.
  • Reduced gpu and cpu memory used.
Windows 64-bit Breakwaters Depot 1203181
  • Loading history…
Unused Breakwaters beta Depot 1203182
  • Loading history…
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