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Final Theory update for 26 January 2022

The Syndicate Navy DLC + 2 Extra Navies are now available!

Share · View all patches · Build 8092557 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The Syndicate Navy DLC is now available, alongside two additional DLC navies. The ships of the Syndicate Navy feature a mix of new abilities and weapons, titanium alloy armor plating, advanced shields, long range railguns, energy weapons and much more. The package includes a full navy consisting of 8 ships in total: Dreadnought, Battleship, Carrier, Battlecruiser, Cruiser, Destroyer, Frigate and Corvette.

The Syndicate Navy DLC features

  • 7 different ship classes to command + 1 deployable ship.
  • 7 fleet-wide stackable ship bonuses.
  • 8 ship tiers featuring weapons, abilities and skill points.
  • 56 module upgrades to choose from.
  • Supports the main game, Quick Battles and Custom Battles right out of the box.
    You don't have to unlock any achievements before you can use the navy.

Introducing Legendary Navies

The Colonial Navy and the Federal Navy are both variants of existing navies that hold special historical significance in the world of Final Theory. They feature an alternative weapons and abilities loadout from their base navies, while also retaining a measure of familiarity. These two new navies are now available as part of the Legendary Bundle, and can be collected and used to add variety to your games.

New Bundles Now Available

The Deluxe Bundle includes:
  • The Final Theory Game
    (Includes the Imperial Navy)
  • The Royal Navy DLC
  • The Syndicate Navy DLC
The Legendary Bundle includes:
  • The Final Theory Game
    (Includes the Imperial Navy)
  • The Royal Navy DLC
  • The Syndicate Navy DLC
  • The Colonial Navy DLC
  • The Federal Navy DLC

The Deluxe Bundle and Legendary Bundle are both adaptive bundles. Adaptive means you'll only be paying for and getting, the content that you don't already have, and you still get the bundle discount.

Buying a bundle will however not include DLC that is added to the bundles in the future. But as adaptive bundles, they can be repurchased to just pick up future DLC, and you will still be getting the bundle discount that is active at that point in time.

In short, adaptive bundles are awesome and will always hold the biggest savings.

Head on over to the Steam pages to get a better look at the new navies:
Syndicate Navy, Colonial Navy, Federal Navy

As always a huge thanks to all of our players. It's fantastic to see so many new players having a go at Final Theory, as well as our veteran players eagerly awaiting the new content. We hope all of you will welcome the new navies and have fun playing with them. Stay tuned for even more content on the horizon and we thank all of you for your support.


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