Hi everyone!
We just released another small update to the game with some bug fixes, improvements, and minor edits to the story!
Version 1.0.4
- Fixed an issue where Kaidan's romance banter would not occur properly.
- Fixed an issue with Michael not being properly displayed during Ann's romance banter, when played from the Extra's menu.
- Fixed an issue where romance banter would sometimes be listed under an incorrect character in the Extras menu.
- Romance banter is now shown directly under the character whom Morgan is being romantic with, instead of being nested under the pair whom the banter is between.
- Added music to all banter scenes when played from the Extras menu.
- Added missing flower crowns to two of Kaidan's poses.
- Fixed a rare issue where flower crowns would sometimes be displayed inconsistently for Morgan in a scene.
- Fixed a rare issue where a character might not leave or enter a scene properly during fast-forward.
- Fixed an issue when loading where the pose and expression of a character sometimes weren't resumed properly for characters that weren't visible in the scene.
- Fixed an issue where an adventurous option would be given to a kind Morgan in place of a kind option in Chapter 1.
- Fixed an issue where a soldier would be incorrectly transparent during a scene.
- Fixed an incorrect voice-over line for Morgan Voice 1 in Chapter 3.
- Fixed an incorrect voice-over line for Michael in Chapter 5.
- Fixed an issue where the conditions for one of the endings were too lenient.
- Fixed an insignificant memory leak when loading voice-over lines.
- When a star choice appears for the first time during the prologue, a text will appear at the top of the screen that explains what they mean. The star indicates a choice where you call upon others for assistance.
- Improved the cursor graphics on some OSX devices.
- Optimized some town map operations.
- Minor edits.
The Galdra Team
Changed files in this update