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Nigate Tale update for 27 January 2022

Version 0.4 is ready for download!

Share · View all patches · Build 8090065 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Well guys, we made it in time! A few days before the Chinese New Year, and despite all the setbacks we’ve faced, we have managed to release this expected new update of Nigate Tale. Version 0.4 opens the door to a new stage in the history of the game, with many more surprises to come. The whole team expects to be able to tell you more after the national holidays, but for now? Let's enjoy what we have in our hands!

We don't want to unnecessarily extend ourselves by detailing again the content of the major patch (read the patch notes here), but to thank all of our players one more time for their patience and support since Nigate Tale was launched on Early Access in April 2021.

Both Hermit Games and 2P Games are very happy to count on such a kind and involved community. Also, we would like to send a big "thank you”' to those content creators who enjoyed Nigate Tale in their live streams and videos, for helping us bring the magic of the game to a weirder audience across the globe. You are all essential to our project, and none of us will forget that you have been there when we needed you the most.

We hope to continue counting on all of you from now on, and that this new game patch will make you even more eager to play what's to come. Now, take your swords and head to the castle to smash some goblins! Remember that if you have any doubts or problems or even any feedback that you want to tell us about, we read them both in the comments section and in the official 2P Games Discord channel.


If you were playing v.0.3 before the v.0.4 update
There’s nothing to worry about, just keep playing as usual! All the objects you collected until then will return to your hand, including the points spent to unlock new skills or the cakes you gave to the monster girls. The best thing about it is that you can try different character builds without starting a new adventure and discover which one fits your play style better.

If you played the beta version before the update
The game will be resumed at the same point you left it without needing to redistribute the skill points and the presents for monster girls.

Don’t get back to v.0.3 after playing v.0.4 beta version
Please wait until January 27th before making any changes on your current version of Nigate Tale — otherwise your data will be corrupted.

There’s a small probability that your game file gets corrupted after the new major update, so we strongly recommend you copy them from C:\ Users\(Username)\AppData\Local\Roguelite\Saved to a separate folder.
The save data will be on C:\Users (your Windows username) \AppData \Local \Roguelite \Saved \SaveGames and copy that folder to somewhere safe!

Thanks for reading, happy gaming!

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