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Metal Waltz update for 26 January 2022

January 27 Update Announcement

Share · View all patches · Build 8088222 · Last edited 26 January 2022 – 10:09:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear Commanders
We plan to perform a patch update on the server at 11:00(UTC+8) on January 27. The estimated update time is 8 hours.

Details of the update are as follows:
I. New tanks

  1. Type 83 SPA
  2. AMX-10C
  3. WZ-111 Heavy Tank
  4. IL-2

II. Palm Diner Event
In order to conduct further study about the Farers, Portia has ordered Commander to gather equipment (S1, S2, S1A, N2-4 Blueprints) and collectibles (Bow Tie, Machine Snake Eye, Bedroom Key) to feed to Epsilon.
Epsilon will evaluate the food and Commander will be rewarded accordingly.
After each feeding, Epsilon’s satisfaction will increase based on the food’s taste (the more she likes the food, the more points gained).
When her satisfaction reaches its maximum, you will receive the first big reward of the event (this time it’s AMX-10C).
*Please note that if Epsilon is overfed (especially with high-rarity equipment), she might suffer indigestion, preventing you from feeding her further for a while (but you can give her a “Tanghulu” to help with that.)
During the event period, you can randomly get “Tanghulus” from Iron Blasting, and they can also be bought for gold directly from the event store.
If Epsilon is most satisfied with the food, you will also get “Luxury Avatar Coupons”, which can be used to exchange for various skins from the museum, and during the Palm Diner event, you can also randomly get “Luxury Avatar Coupons” from Iron Blasting.

III. Intelligence Deciphering Event
During the event, a special blasting pool will be available for the Intelligence Deciphering event.
The special blasting pool of Intelligence Deciphering has a higher chance to drop advanced equipment.
You have a chance to receive a “New Year Gift Box” from Intelligence Deciphering, which can be used in the Depot to redeem one of the following rewards:

  1. WZ-111 Heavy Tank (Metal Maiden)
  2. Blessbringer Koi Skin Box (Skin for Zik-20)
    You can receive the “New Year Gift Box” ONLY ONCE, so please choose your reward wisely.
    WZ-111 Heavy Tank and Blessbringer Koi Skin Box can also be bought with vouchers.
    The Intelligence Deciphering blasting pool uses “Incomplete Intelligence”, which can be earned the following ways:
  3. By feeding Epsilon in the Palm Diner event. If she is mildly satisfied or most satisfied, you will get 1 or 3 Incomplete Intelligence respectively.
  4. By purchasing gold during the event:
    20 from buying a Small Bag of Gold;
    40 from buying a Big Bag of Gold;
    80 from buying a Small Box of Gold;
    160 from buying a Big Box of Gold.
  5. A certain amount can be received from a quest after passing Story Vol.8 “Expedition”.
  6. By exchanging with “G-SiSe” in the event store (for a limited number of times).

IV. New terrains in Clash
Desert Plains, River Hills, River Streets, and Rocky Forest will be added to the Clash terrain rotation.
(Please note that the addition of these terrains may cause a deviation from the usual terrain rotation, which will return to normal after a full terrain rotation cycle has passed.)

V. Seasonal time-limited sales
After each time-limited event (e.g. Palm Diner, Forge, etc. except Museum and limited packages) has ended, an entry to seasonal time-limited store will appear in the time-limited event tab.
Commanders can enter the store and buy seasonal time-limited packages.

VI. Special packages
A wide variety of packages to be browsed at your leisure. There’s always something for you.

VII. The double gold bonus for the first purchase has been reset.

VIII. New Avatar

  1. Blessbringer Koi (U-19)
    Obtainable by using “New Year Gift Box” in the Depot or buying with vouchers.

IX. Additional rewards from iron forge and aluminum forge
During the event period, using the iron forge will guarantee you “Prion Fossils” which can be exchanged for a random number of Wrecks, Secret Plans, Processors, Test Dolls or Codon in the Fossil Exchange section of the Exchange shop. Using the aluminum forge will also guarantee you a random amount of Rainbow Oxamide.

X. Data adjustment

  1. Bison II and M7B2 Priest: Increased targeting.
  2. WZ-120 Tank, IS-7, T-62, Centurion Mk.III, BM-21 Grad and M60A1: Granted one Special equipment slot.
  3. M37 SPG: Increased firepower, targeting, and evasion.
  4. SU-14: Increased durability, penetration, and targeting.
  5. Object 212A: Increased firepower, targeting, and evasion.
  6. Brummbär: Increased firepower, targeting, and stealth.
  7. Wespe: Increased firepower, targeting, evasion, and stealth.
  8. M8 Howitzer: Increased targeting, stealth, and detection.
  9. SU-152G: Increased targeting and evasion.
  10. M109A3GN: Increased firepower, penetration, targeting, evasion, stealth, detection, and Fire Res.
  11. U-19: Increased penetration. Granted the Br-2 Howitzer.
  12. New ammo: Cased APHE (Tier 3) and Laser-guided Fragment HE (Tier 3).
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