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Noble Fates update for 25 January 2022

Kingdom-Crier #1: Announcing The Hospitality Update

Share · View all patches · Build 8085375 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings Kontras! Welcome to Kingdom-Crier #1 - the first in an ongoing series of bi-monthly community updates for Noble Fates.

These will serve as a place for you to keep your finger on the pulse of Noble Fates. We'll announce new major updates here, highlight the recent changes, and surface some of the cooler things happening in the community.

Without further ado...

Announcing The Hospitality Update

Noble Fates Feature Update #1

As you know, there are many wanderers who find themselves without a place to call home in the world of Noble Fates - they travel from kingdom to kingdom trying to survive and looking to secure that next meal. Some never get a chance to settle down before their time runs out.

These travelers can be a great source of new recruits, items, seeds, or even serve as your next meal. Now you can roll out the red carpet and show them just how great your kingdom really is. Guests will setup camp outside of your realm and it's up to you to offer them room and board for the night.

Run an Inn

Offer beds, rooms, or entire buildings for rent. Meet expectations for a leg up on the recruiting process, exceed them for a chance to bypass it completely. Satisfy the needs of delegates to build your relationship with their Kingdom.

Build a Tavern

Build a place where everyone can gather by a warm fire to eat and drink! Sell food and drink for an additional income stream. Leverage new decorations including the modular table to build a gathering place your kingdom can be proud of. Give them an experience they won't forget and they'll sing your praises as they travel the countryside with a full belly and a soothed mind.

Introducing Grapes and Wine!

Grow and harvest Grapes - eat 'em, cook 'em, turn 'em into Wine. Use the Winery to transform them into a quick fix for comfort. Use in moderation, however, as a drunk Noble may need to sleep it off.

Food and Drink Management

Leverage the new Food and Drink Management tool to take control over the food your people can eat. Stop the Serfs from eating all of your Fine Meals and the Nobles from eating that Raw Imp you had plans for.

Lodging Need

Address a need for lodging that scales with a Noble's Prestige. That Straw Bed in the corner might be enough for a fresh, unskilled recruit - but your most prestigious Nobles will need a nicely decorated Home of their own to be satisfied.

When Does it Release?

The update will release in full on February 7th!

Experimental Branch

We're happy to announce that the update is playable now in our new Experimental branch!

Participate in development and help us refine it before it launches. Keep in mind that this is a work in progress - there will be problems and additional features and content will come online as we prepare to release it - some of which may not make it into the Experimental branch. If you'd like to check it out, opt into the Experimental (or Experimental Development) branch using the Betas feature in Steam.

A Note About Saves

This update is incompatible with saves from Noble Fates 0.23.. We'll maintain an archive branch with the last 0.23. build when it launches. You'll need to make a fresh run with this update.

What's new in Main?

There have been a bevy of updates since the last summary, here are the highlights:

Added Death Notifications and Cause of Death to the character sheet  
Increased the frequency of young recruits  
Added the ability to start a New Game from within the game, you no longer need to restart!  
Streamlined and decreased refueling of lights  
Improved mining yields and made them scale with character skill  
Improved quality calculation for upper tier buildings including Wooden Roofs and Fine Wooden Walls```

### Community Content

_PaddyMcfly used the new Columns to make some nice row houses_  

_Clown finished his Castle_  

_Oskurd started a new series where he has to recruit anyone who wants to join_

### Content Mods

_Narial dove in head first to develop [Ledginstric]( - the most advanced Mod to date!_  

Thanks for reading and thanks for playing!  
The Noble Fates Team
Noble Fates Content Depot 1769421
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