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First Class Trouble update for 1 February 2022

UPDATE 17 - Lunar New Year

Share · View all patches · Build 8083886 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Happy Luna New Year Everyone!

The solar system is for everyone to enjoy, and here at Scandinavian Intergalactic Infinity Cruises we are proud to host space tourists from all around the world.

As we begin our acceleration for yet another cruise around our solar system the new roadmap should provide you with a great overview of where the ISS Alithea is heading next.

It’s also time for another celebration - because every day should be a party aboard the ISS Alithea. So, starting today we celebrate the year of the Tiger. Our always trusted Personoids have been put to work and decorated the ship so you can all enjoy The Lunar New Year.

If you forgot to pack an appropriate outfit or your suitcase got lost (slowly drifts past the window) you can find a new Lunar New Year appropriate outfit in The Mall.

During our last refuelling we noticed a lot of medicinal syringes were missing. Please note, the syringes are for emergency situations only. Kismet Industries has kindly supplied us with their new patent pending pad lock for the syringe stand, which should make it more difficult to abuse the syringe.

  • Invisible Walls

  • Decorated levels - Gardens, Resort, Casino, Restaurant and the Main Menu have all been spruced up for Lunar New Year! lamps everywhere!

  • NEW ITEM - PADLOCK: This new item is a new mechanic that allows all players with the item to lock syringe stands so they will take significantly longer to open. We will monitor how people will use this new item and then we might add it so it can be used on more items in the world. The padlock is visible on the Syringe Stands.

  • NEW ITEM - PROXIMITY SCANNER: This is a spiritual reimagination of the earlier Corpse Scanner as people thought that gave too much information. This new item can be used on a corpse and it will detect smells to identify the two people that were closest to the person that died. It is our hope that it will be used to bring some more deception/investigation into the game. The item only tells the information to its immediate user.

  • NEW DLC: Launched a new Lunar New Year DLC pack with some very cool Lunar New Year inspired outfits and the cleaning Vruumbas have been decorated as dragons!

  • ROADMAP: Added a new Roadmap tab in the game. The goal is that we can easily show all the new upcoming updates in one shared space.

  • Added Proximity Scanner to all main levels.
  • Added Padlock to all main levels.
  • Optimized the ski resort white out particle effects so it is less taxing on lower end systems.
  • Optimized various LOD instances on the Ski Resort.
  • Added more localized texts in regards to the language based matchmaking.
  • Reverted the visibility of items in players hands.

  • Fixed the Symbol Puzzle screens being turned off.
  • Fixed an issue where you could pick up corpses from people eaten by plants to activate other plants.
  • Fixed trails on items and various other UI effects.

Thanks so much for reading!
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