- Change: Well and watchtower now also use the "assign/remove" game mechanics, instead of the man-for-one-day mechanic
- Fixed: Monsters spawning on top of each other bug
- Fixed: A bug that caused peasants to abandon tasks seemingly at random
- Fixed: Visual bug of insane speed of the active button indicators in the context menu
- Balance: Workshops (carpenter, mason) now add much more to gathering (+20% per worker plus a flat 10%)
- Balance: Villagers will occasionally return with twice the usual amount from the forest (lucky find)
- Balance: Damage caused by freezing now depends on the actual temperature
- force-despawning monsters on daybreak
- fixed several exceptions and small bugs
- preparing sandbox and doomed mode
- reworked cabbage field for more realistic harvest and damage displays
Black Forest update for 25 January 2022
Beta Update
Patchnotes via Steam Community
Changed depots in testing branch