Upscale Graphics Fix
This update addresses the common graphic issue where the game wold not properly upscale the graphics causing very noticeable flickering and image tearing through-out. This update should eliminate this issue all together. We will be updating the Graphic fix instruction to coincide with this update on the Steam discussions.
Balance Changes
- Slightly lowered cost for Barrier Shield Disruptor
- Slightly lowered cost for Terran Rifle
- Slightly lowered cost for Grenade Slot Upgrade
- Slightly lowered enemy spawns from early game locations
- Lowered Zeno HP by 1
- Increased Player Base HP by 1
- Added higher chance to spawn better loot tech in early game
- Clues to Surface Battery Entrance are more visible
Various Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where context menu interactions would not render after landing from anti-gravity grenades.
- Identified a possible issue causing lift to Terrace transition to get stuck. Implemented a safety fix.
- Identified a possible issue causing entrance to Factory transition to get stuck. Implemented a safety fix.
- Terran Heavy overheat behavior now matches the behavior of other Terran weapons.
- Non-Shield Terran helmets and armor no longer show Shield Upgrade HP on the battle report.
Let us know what you think about the balance changes, especially in the early game. This should make it not as grindy and difficult, while maintaining the challenge. Thank you, and happy invading!
Changed files in this update