Hi all!
MindSeize was just patched to version 1.5.1. The patch brings mainly bug fixes and also a couple of new, more interesting features. Here's patch notes.
- Added multiple pieces of failsafe code to some bosses, that could under very rare circumstances soft lock the game.
- There was a high possibility, that Valstrike (of The Duo renown) would deal 10 times the intended damage with his special pulse attack. It's fixed now, oops!
- Fixed a case that could apparently cause the T-Snout to not leave after the Hornet Hive is destroyed. We could not replicate the issue, but made some changes that will possibly fix the rare issue!
- Fixed the purple mushrooms of Verdant Gamma, that used to cause all kinds of wonky physics if they respawned on top of the player...
- Visual fixes, mainly some wrong tiles here and there
Other changes:
- Added a hidden way to make the H.A.B.A. boss fight (and some parts of the map) easier, by turning off certain electric traps
- Made the price scaling of the Nano Bots less harsh
- Added a small but neat destructible section on Verdant Gamma, allowing the player to traverse through the area below the Wrecked Ship faster.
Aaaand that would be all, might have missed some smaller bug fixes but anyways... The work continues, even if slower. See you in the future!
Changed files in this update