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Twins Edge update for 24 January 2022

Twins Edge : Back and Forth is out now!

Share · View all patches · Build 8072879 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This is a casual puzzle game, the main character Zamisa can push the barrel from four directions, there are two types of barrels, push the barrel to the target location to pass the level.

This is a casual puzzle game in which the main character, Zamisa who is the only doctor on board. Her twin sister, Zarimi, was taken away by the Sanctuary since her spiritual awakening and soon succeeded to the position of the new generation of saints. The two sisters have feelings for each other called love, but there are many obstacles in the middle, help sister Zamisa go through many obstacles, so that the two sisters could stay together ~

Players can control the protagonist to push the barrel from four directions. The barrel has two types of wooden barrels and ice barrels.
Different types have different effects when pushed. After pushing different barrels into their target location point, you can pass the level.

Game Contains:

  • 14 beautiful CG.
  • 42 levels.
  • Players can unlock one picture in the album for every two levels they pass and can browse in the album.
  • Players can only push one barrel at a time when pushing a normal barrel.
  • When an ice barrel is pushed, it will move in the direction until it hits an obstacle.
  • If the first barrel in the queue is an ice barrel, you can push all the barrels in a straight line at the same time.

How to pass: Push the normal barrel into the yellow area, and push the frozen barrel into the blue area to successfully pass the level.

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