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Idle big Devil update for 24 January 2022


Share · View all patches · Build 8072550 · Last edited 24 January 2022 – 04:46:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The update will be at 22:30 (Los Angeles Time), 07:30 (Paris Time) on January 24! In the next few updates, we will also optimize the game according to the player's suggestions. Thanks for the company and support of new and old players! We wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year in advance!

Time-limited Event
  1. Lunar New Year Event
    January 27 00:00 ~ February 9 00:00 (server time)
    Log in to the game every day from January 27 to February 9 to get Lunar New year Packs, and the packs from February 1 to February 3 will be more generous! From February 1 to February 5, you can also get a big red envelope when you log into the game for the first time. Don't miss it~
    During the event, players can also get a Nirvana Stone and a lot of event items "Small Firecrackers" & "Blessing Word" by completing tasks. You can check the specific event rules on the event page.
    Note: Blessing Word can be used in Lucky Red Envelope Event that opened on February 1.

  2. Invitation Gift Event, Returning Event, Return Gift Event
    Whether you invite new players, recall old players, or old player return to the game, you can get rich rewards!
    [Return Gift Event] This event is only open to returning players who have been offline for more than 14 days and whose level is ≥35
    [Returning Event] Invited old players (offline for more than 14 days, level ≥35) can see the Return Gift Event after returning, and both parties can get rewards after the old player filling in the binding code on Return Gift Event
    [Invitation Gift Event] After the invited new player reaches level 20, he can also see the Invitation Gift Event. After entering the invitation code on the event page, both parties can get rewards

Major Optimization
  1. The hero star cap is increased to 18 stars
  2. Nirvana Stones can be exchanged in the Time Shard Shop. It can be used to convert high star heroes
  3. The Tower of Infinity has added a stage jumping mechanism. If the battle with the enemy is in a crushing stance, then skip to the next stage that is a multiple of 5, and directly get the rewards of all stages that have been skipped
  4. Optimized the invitation function of the wall. In addition to inviting friends, you can also invite other members of the guild and other players on the same server
  5. Added Wish task to the daily task
  6. Optimized the editing function of guild announcement
  7. There are 2 new ways to obtain the emoji provided by the player "毽子": Time Shard Shop and Expedition Shop
  8. Add timestamp to chat channel
  9. The maximum damage of the black robe is also displayed on the damage panel
  10. When revert the heroes, the system will show you what materials and heroes you have obtained
  11. Optimized some Elf Target tasks
  12. Optimized some details, such as replacing some repeated icons, and the entrance to the next floor will be more obvious after using the Time Gallery, etc.
  1. Fixed the problem that under certain circumstances, when clicking the dice in the Treasure Hunt, the error that the operation is too frequent will appear
  2. Fixed the issue of incomplete name display and incorrect display of rank icons in the Ranking in the cross-server arena
  3. Fixed the issue that the Beginner's Guide would be interrupted under certain circumstances
  4. Fixed the issue that sometimes the Qixi Festival Pack/ Questionnaire would appear after logging into the game

Contact Us


Meanwhile, looking forward to your reviews on steam!
We will continue to work and improve the game with the suggestions we have received. Thank you!

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