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Princess&Blade update for 24 January 2022

January 24, 2022 corrective update

Share · View all patches · Build 8072333 · Last edited 24 January 2022 – 03:39:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update Description:

1: Fixed the bug that the princess diary may block the button in the "map selection" interface

2: Reduces the oily luster of the protagonist's skin and fixes the problem that the protagonist's skin will turn yellow under some kind of lights

3: Fixed the detection bug of the condition of the "heart demon" map. Now correct prompt of overcome a certain heart demon

4: Fixed a bug in the "heart demon" map that some heart demons could not be correctly killed before contacting the protagonist

5: Deleted the drowning death judgment of the princess (now the protagonist will walk under the water and will not die, but I will correctly join the swimming system in the future)

6: It reduces the time that gold coins can be picked up after falling, and increases the picking range of gold coins (this is a temporary solution. It should be a better solution to automatically adsorb gold coins to the protagonist in the future)

7: Fixed the problem of directly returning to the main menu after death. Now it will return to the camp

8: The removal of shoes is added in the princess's wardrobe (the stockings will not match the feet when the shoes are not worn, so don't take on the stockings without shoes. I will try to solve this problem in the future)

9: Fixed the problem that the dark part of some levels may be too dark

10: Deleted a messy and problematic hairstyle

Special note: I have no intention to remove the training system. The training and growth system will return in future versions. At the same time, the clothing will continue to increase with each update.

Windows 64-bit Princess&Blade Content Depot 1639431
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