2022 01 22
- adjusted internal memory management code for long gameplay sessions
- ballCams now only linger when hitting players (otherwise instant off)
- bot feet now have checkerboard graphics so you can see them rolling
- changed Murder Ball graphics to a soccer ball pattern just because
- platform elevators now seal smoothly to the floors they raise up to
-- inscreased rate of fire for lightGunRetro's zapper gun while aiming
-- requested: testing out clutch turning that doesnt affect vert sens
2022 01 15
- added text effect to flash along with every emptyClip tick sound
- added text under points display to show you have the Murder Ball
- adjusted controller sensitivities for highs & lows to most used
- changed Murder Ball icon from a ball to a more "targeted" look
- changed game timer to double its size for last 10 second counts
- fixed FreeCam sometimes not freezing player gravity in mid-air
- fixed being able to move a player assigned to MnKB with gamepad
- fixed countdown text between helicopter swaps staying 2x size
- fixed janky movement on Murder Ball holding & brightened color
- fixed rare GamePad vs MouseKeyboard glitch that started wacky
- fixed smoke grenades counting as shotsFired as they dont do dmg
- removed 2nd "game over" from end sequence for cleaner scoreboard
- requested: explosv dmg back to counting as shotsHit for accuracy
2022 01 07
- adjusted PB ballCam timing movement & position for seamless execution
- adjusted shadows to be a little cleaner & much lighter on gfx memory
- fixed slight differences in controller sensitivities for 4K/120 setups
- requested: using old handicap methods (KDRs < 1.0 boost, > 3.0 delay)
-- changed Murder Ball to give a point every 10 seconds instead of 5
Changed files in this update