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HEXAD update for 22 January 2022

Release Notes v0.2022.01.22

Share · View all patches · Build 8067709 · Last edited 22 January 2022 – 17:09:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Crucible Rework

My intention for this game was to be casual friendly without requiring large time investments in a single session. As players advanced, the initial Crucible design fell short of that goal. Forcing players into an hour long session to try and reach the top of the leaderboard is completely unacceptable. It also created a huge barrier for players that want to try and push their top score when they were already near the top of the leaderboard. For those reasons the following major changes have been made to the Crucible.

  • The Crucible leaderboard now only tracks a players highest single round, game round, and time taken for that round; instead of cumulative time for an entire run.
  • You can start a new Crucible run at any round you defeated previously to try and push your leaderboard score.
  • You are now given the choice to continue or exit the Crucible after each round.
  • Completed rounds award 3 loot boxes of an appropriate tier on the first completion, and 1 on any completion thereafter.
  • Crucible mobs now start with a base power of 12 up from 6.
  • Crucible mobs now increase in health by 12 each round, down from 16.
  • Due to these major changes in Crucible mechanics the leaderboard for Crucible has been wiped. All players who participated in the crucible have been awarded a Legendary Loot Chest per Crucible round they defeated.


  • AI Battles no longer have a cooldown time on loot chests. Farm away!


  • All cosmetic items now have friendly names.

Hero Appearance

  • A handful of Metallic and Glowing test dyes have been added to the last column in the appearance window. These are free to use for now and your feedback on them is appreciated! If added officially in a future release they will be wiped from characters and using them will require a special type of currency not yet in game.
  • More color choices have been added and now have all 6 levels of rarity and cost their respective gem fragments to use.
  • Color choices on Heroes have been reset to make the above change. Sorry for the inconvenience - this should not need to be done in the future.


  • Map mob, tile, and object colors will be reworked over time since the color changes broke the dyes on those as well.
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